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安徽农业大学学报, 2014, 41(5): 871-874 Journal of Anhui Agricultural University [DOI] 10.13610/ki.1672-352x018 网络出版时间:2014-8-27 16:12:00 [URL] /kcms/doi/10.13610/ki.1672-352x018.html 冷藏温度对蓝莓果实品质的影响 1 2 2 3 屈海泳 ,刘连妹 ,张旻倩 ,叶正文 (1. 青岛农业大学园艺学院,青岛 266109 ;2. 淮阴工学院生命科学与化学工程学院,淮安 223003 ; 3. 上海农业科学院,上海 201403) 摘 要:采用不同的冷藏温度贮藏蓝莓,以蓝莓的失重率、腐烂率、可溶性固形物的含量、果皮的色差及维生 素 C 的含量等为参考指标,研究冷藏下蓝莓品质的变化。结果显示 1℃~3 ℃低温冷藏蓝莓,经60 d 长期检测,低 温显著抑制了果实的失重率,腐烂率和 Vc 含量的下降,较好的保持了果实原有色泽,显著抑制了果实可滴定酸含 量的下降,维持了果实原有风味,保持了果实的营养价值。 关键词:蓝莓;冷藏;温度;品质 中图分类号:S663.9 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672−352X (2014)05−0871−04 Effects of cold storage temperature on fruit quality of blueberries 1 1 1 2 QU Haiyong , LIU Lianmei , ZHANG Mingqian , YE Zhengwen (1. College of Horticulture, Qingdao Agricultural University, Qingdao 266109; 2. Huanyin Institute of Technology, Huai’an 223003; 3. Shanghai Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Shanghai 201403) Abstract: To determine the optimum storage temperature and time, changes of the blueberry fruit quality during the storage period at different storage temperatures were studied. Five indices of fruit quality during the cold storage including weight loss ratio, rotten fruit rate, soluble solid content, peel color, and vitamin C content were measured. The results showed that cold storage of blueberry fruit at 1-3 ℃ significantly inhibited fruit weight loss, fruit rotting, and the decrease of Vc and titratable acid. Fruit color, taste, and nutritional level were well maintained during the 60-day long cold storage. Key words: blueberry; refrigeration; temperature; fruit quality 蓝莓( Semen


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