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2. Equilibrium points and turning points (P189) A potential energy U(x) diagram is as follows: The total energy E = U + K = constant and can be represented as a horizontal line on this graph. However, x2, x4 are stable equilibrium points, x3 is an unstable equilibrium point and x5 is neutral equilibrium. (E=U, so K=0, F=0, Particle must be stationary). Corresponds to the point x0 at which dU(x0)/dx=0, i.e., F(x0)=0 ——Equilibrium Points x2, x3, x4 satisfy this condition. That is, they are equilibrium points. Solution: System: Earth + satellite ? Emec = C Find the escape velocity v of a satellite (the minimum initial speed needed to prevent it from returning to the Earth 第二宇宙速度) of mass m, is projected into the air from the Earth (ME, RE ). 第一宇宙速度(又称环绕速度):是指物体紧贴地球表面作圆周运动的速度(也是人造地球卫星的最小发射速度)。大小为7.9km/s,计算方法是V`=gR (g是重力加速度,R是星球半径) 第二宇宙速度(又称脱离速度):是指物体完全摆脱地球引力束缚,飞离地球的所需要的最小初始速度 Example: (P184) Near the Earth, When RE h, The greater the velocity, the higher the satellite can reach. Minimum initial speed of rotating around the Earth. 第一宇宙速度 Then h??, with merely zero speed, Reading sections 8-7 after class, please! If the speed is high enough, it will continue out into space never to return to Earth. The problems of chapter 7: 34, 36, 37, 38, 53, 57, 67, 69, 70, 76 The problems of chapter 8: 6, 7, 23, 24, 35, 68, 69 Chapter 7 8 Energy and Conservation Law Work and Power 2. Kinetic Energy Work- Energy Principle 3. Conservative and Nonconservative Forces 4. Potential Energy 5. Conservation of Energy 7-1 Work and Power (P147-) The work done by a force in displacing a body as the scalar product of and . 1. Work 研究力和运动的空间过程关系。 Work is a scalar quantity, no direction. positive work; 质点受的力与它的位移的标积 zero work; negative work. Explanations: (1) If the force is constant in the whole path, A B o A B When a particle moves from A to B along a curve path, the total work done by the force equals the integral of from A to B: (2) Work done by a v


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