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山东农 业科 学 2010, 8: 95~ 97 ShandongAgricultural Sciences 苯醚甲环唑甲基硫菌灵 65%可湿性粉剂 高效液相色谱分析 韩红娥, 杨 萌,周艳丽, 李国涛 ( , 710201) : , - , ypersilBDS C18, : 010 012; 039% 030%; 991% : ; ; + + : O657. 7 2; S482. 2 7 : A : 1001- 4942( 2010) 08- 0095- 03 HPLC Analysis on 65% WP of D ifenoconazole Com pounded w ith Thiophanate- m ethyl AN ong- e, YANG Meng, Z OU Yan- li, LIGuo- tao (X ian M odern S c ience and Technology of Farm Chem icals L td , Co, X ian 710201, Ch ina ) Abs tract W ith themethanol - water as themobile phase, the PLC external standard methodwas used to analyze the complex of difenoconazole and thiophanate- methyl by BDS C18 column and UV detec tionThe results showed that the standard deviations of difenoconazole and thiophanate- methylwere 010 and 012 respectivelyw ith the coefficients of variation as 039% and 030%; their average recoverieswere 991% K ey words igh performance liquid chromatography( PLC) analysis; Difenoconazole; Thiophanate- methyl , , , [ 1] 1 ,, 11 , Agilent1100 , , , Agilent1100 [2] , , 12 [3] ;; 993, 995; 65% , ( ) 13 收稿日期: 2010- 05- 07 作者简介: 韩红娥 ( 1962- ), 女, 工程师, 主要从事农药质量分析检 工作 96 山东农 业科 学 2010年 : ypersil BDS C18 250 mm !46 mm ! 10 m;: 230 nm; : ∀ = () 80∀ 20(V /V); : 15 ml/m in; : 10 ;l


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