美杜莎The Medusa.ppt

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美杜莎The Medusa

The Medusa The Medusa was the daughter of Phorkys福耳库斯 and Keto刻托, the children of Gaia (Earth) and Okeanos (Ocean). She was one of the three sisters known as the Gorgons戈耳工. The other two sisters were Sthenno and Euryale. Medusa was the only mortal凡人 out of the three. Gorgons戈耳工 蛇发女怪(希腊神话中的一个形象) According to Apollodorus, Medusa and her sisters came into the world with snakes on their heads, instead of hair, with yellow wings and brazen hands. Their bodies were also covered with impenetrable scales鳞片, and their very looks had the power of killing or turning to stones. Medusa was the only mortal凡人 out of the three. 版本二 The death of Medusa Medusas head Thank you * She was once very beautiful and lived far in the north where the sun didnt visit. Being very curious, she wanted to see the sun, and asked the Goddess Athena for permission to visit the south. Athena refused. The medusa got angry and dared to say that Athena hadnt given her permission because she was jealous of her beauty. Athena was angered and punished her by turning her hair into snakes and cursing her by making her so ugly that who ever looks at her eyes would turn into stone. 版本一 She is celebrated for her personal charms and the beauty of her locks. Neptune(海神 Poseidon) became enamoured of her, and obtained her favours in the temple of Minerva(即Athena). This violation of the sanctity of the temple provoked(激怒) Minerva, and she changed the beautiful locks of Medusa, which had inspired Neptune’s love to serpents. Perseus(珀尔修斯英仙座) rendered his name immortal by his conquest of Medusa. He cut off her head, and the blood that dropped from the wound produced the innumerable(无数的)serpents(毒蛇) that infest(滋生) Africa. The conqueror placed Medusas head on the shield(盾) of Minerva(密涅瓦,智慧女神,即雅典娜), which he had used in his expedition. 宙斯之子珀尔修斯背过脸去,用光亮的盾牌作镜子,找出美杜莎,在雅典娜和赫耳墨斯的帮助下割下了她的头。从美杜莎的躯体里跳出双翼飞马珀伽索斯和巨人克律萨俄耳,他们都是美杜莎的后代。珀尔修斯骑着从美杜莎鲜血中飞出的珀伽索斯,在空中遇到狂风的袭击,被吹得左右摇晃,从美杜莎的头颅上滴下的鲜血落到利比亚沙漠中,成为毒蛇。美杜莎的血液虽然剧毒,却拥有特殊的力量,曾赋予埃里


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