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Unit 4 : Section A The class remained dumb when the teacher asked a formidable question. 类当老师问一个令人生畏的问题保持沉默。 The captured criminals were paraded in chains through the streets. 被抓获的罪犯在连锁店在街上游行。 As a summary, the long story was condensed into a few sentences. 总结,很长的故事浓缩成几句话。 She took an intensive course in cooking before her marriage. 她把一个精读课程在烹饪之前她的婚姻。 Deeply cursed with prison life, the prisoners became desperate for breakout. 深深被诅咒的监狱生活,囚犯们成为急需突破。 Being very hungry, she gave the two dishes a thorough lick 非常饿,她给了两个菜一个彻底的舔 The problem with the country is how to lift its economy out of recession. 这个国家的问题是如何提高其经济走出衰退。 Be careful with a cat. It may scratch you if you make it angry. 小心一只猫。如果你让它生气,它会抓你。 He invested much of his time in learning the new language. 他投入了大量时间在学习新的语言。 The farmers were more anxious for rain than the people in the city because they had more at stake 农民们更渴望雨比城市里的人,因为他们有更多的股份 The lease on this apartment runs out in a year’s time. 在这个公寓租赁在一年内到期。 He has put his car entirely at our disposal for the holiday. 他把他的车完全在我们的假期处理。 The town planning commission said that their financial outlook for the next year was optimistic. They expected increased tax revenues. 城市规划委员会表示,明年他们的财务前景乐观。他们希望增加税收。 If you persist in taking this attitude, we’ll have to ask you to leave. 如果你坚持这样的态度,我们将不得不让你离开。 The rest of the family had nearly reached the river, but Jane was lagging behind as usual. 家里的其他人几乎到达了河,但简是落后于像往常一样。 Communication is the process of transmitting a message from a source to an audience via a channel. 沟通的过程是将消息从源传输到观众通过一个通道。 The computer has become smaller and cheaper and hence more available to a greater number of people. 电脑变得更小,更便宜,因此更提供给更多的人。 Take one dose of this cough-mixture three times a day. 服用这一次咳嗽药一天三次。 John Smith is the New York Times correspondent at Beijing. 约翰·史密斯是《纽约时报》记者在北京。 Today, many synthetic products have replaced natural ones. 今天,许多合成产品已经取代了天然的。 Improved consumer confidence is crucial to an economic recovery. 提高消费者的信心对经济复苏至关重要。 It


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