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344 2010 4 10 4 Ch in J M in Inv Surg, April 2010, Vol. 10. No. 4 临床期非小细胞肺癌全胸腔镜与开胸 纵隔淋巴结清扫的对比研究 * 杨 帆 王 俊 刘 军 姜冠潮 李剑锋 赵 辉 李 运 (, 100044) 2003 1 ~ 2009 7 282 , 152, 130, 2 [ 4 ( 3~ 6) vs 4( 3~ 7 ), Z = 0. 603, P = 0. 544)[ ( 13. 7 6. 1) vs ( 14. 6 7. 2), t= - 1. 136, P = 0. 257) , (, ) (P 0. 05) 2 ( 2, 2 1, = 0. 031, P = 0. 860) [ ( 8. 1 3. 9) d vs ( 8. 6 4. 1) d, t= - 1. 048, P = 0. 296] , ; ; : R734. 2 : A : 1009- 6604( 2010) 04- 0344- 04 Comparison of V ideo-assisted T horacoscop ic w ith O pen D issection of System aticM ediastinal Lym ph Nod es for C lin ical Stage N on-Sma ll Ce ll Lung Cancer Yang Fan, Wang Jun, L iu Jun, et a.l D ep ar tm ent of Thoracic Surgery, P eking Univer ity Peop le H o p ital, B eij ing 100044, China Abstract O b ec tive T o ev lu te the effic cy of system ic m edi stin l lymph node d issection ( SND) by video- ssisted thor coscopic surgery ( VAT S) in p tients w ith clin ic l st ge non-sm ll cell lung c ncer. M ethod s T ot lly 282 consecutive p tients w ith clin ic l st ge lung c ncerw ho underw en t lobectom y w ith SND bewt een J nu ry 2003 nd July 2009 w ere enrolled in this study. O f these p tients, 152 received comp leteVATS surgery nd 130 c ses through thor cotom y. Comp leteness m e sured by the number of d issected st tions nd nodes, nd s fety ev lu ted by postoper tive dr in ge nd SND-rel ted comp lic tions w ere com p red betw een the tw o groups. R esu lts M ed i stin l lymph nodes st tions d issected [ m ed i n 4 st tions ( 3- 6 st tions) vs 4 st tions ( 3- 7 st tions), Z = 0. 603, P = 0. 544] , number ofm edi stin l nodes d issected ( 13. 7 6. 1vs 14. 6 7. 2, t= - 1. 136, P = 0. 257), nd nodes dissected in e ch m ed i stin l zones


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