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20 10, 19( 8) : 185187, 206
A cta A g r ic ult ur ae B or ealiocc idental is S in ica
( , 710061)
: , ( P PO) , PP O pH
P PO , pH 7. 4, pH 3. 5
; 45 , 70 , , 80 , , 80
2 min ; 0. 04 mol ! L- 1 P PO
: ; ; ;
: T S201. 1 : A : 20 10) 080 18503
Polyphenol Oxidase Characteristics of Jerusalem Artichoke
LI ingqi
( College of Lif e Science, Shaan xi Institute of Education , Xi∀ an 710061, China)
Abstract: T he activ ities of polyphenol ox dase ( PPO) w ere studied in this paper by spectrophoto metry
including conditions of optimum pH , optimum temperatur e, stability to heat, and the effect of diff er
ent inhibitors. T he results indicated that the optim um pH and temperature of artichoke PP O were 7. 4
and 45 respectively. T he enzy me activ ity w as suppressed by 80 heating treatment for 2 m in. Cit
r ic acid ( CA) and NaH SO3 w ere strong inhibitors, the effective concentr ation of these inhibitor s w as
0. 04 mol !L- 1 .
Key words: Artichoke; Poly phenol ox idase ( PPO) ; Enzym e activity; Brow ning
[ 6]
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[ 710]
, , PPO
[ 1112]
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79. 8%16. 6% 1% PP O , ,
16. 6%2. 8%
, , 78% ,
1. 1
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[ 13]
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[ 45]
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