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现代食品科技 Modern Food Science and Technology 2014, Vol.30, No.8 鱼粉中肌胃糜烂素及其检测方法研究进展 陶志华,韩凌霜,许晓静,谭兆平,林敏,岑志鹏 (广东工业大学食品与生物工程系,广东广州 510006) 摘要:配合鱼粉饲料中的肌胃糜烂素(gizzerosine ,GZ )是导致鸡、鸭、鱼等养殖动物发生肌胃糜烂、食欲不振、产卵率下降、 吐黑、死亡的原因物质,是褐色鱼粉直火干燥制造过程中产生的生物胺,其引起病变的浓度范围是 1 mg/kg 左右,生理毒性是鱼粉中 组胺毒性水平的 1000 倍。引起致病的主要原因是能促进动物的胃酸大量分泌而致使胃粘膜发生病变。养殖禽类是农业的主要经济来 源,也是关系人类健康的重要食物来源。从养殖业的安全性出发,建立适合饲料安全控制检测体系,及时有效的控制影响禽类安全性 的指标是非常必要的。本文针对肌胃糜烂素的理化性质、毒性水平及其检测方法进行综述,为今后对肌胃糜烂素的研究方法及控制方 法提供参考,并对肌胃糜烂素的相关研究提供展望。 关键词:肌胃糜烂素;生理毒性;检测方法;研究进展 文章篇号:1673-9078(2014)8-288-291 Detection and Characterization of Gizzerosine in Fish Meal TAO Zhi-hua, HAN Ling-shuang, XU Xiao-jing, TAN Zhao-ping, LIN Min, CEN Zhi-peng (Department of Food and Biology Engineering, Guangdong University of Technology, Guangzhou 510006, China) Abstract: Gizzerosine (GZ) in fish meal feed is the causative agent of gizzard erosion and ulceration, inappetence, decreased spawning rate, Black Vomit, and death in chickens, ducks, fish, and other poultry. Gizzerosine is a biogenic amine formed during the flame-drying treatment of brown fish meal. The level of gizzerosine that can cause pathological changes is about 1 mg/kg and its physiological toxicity is 1000 times that of histamine in fish meal. The main pathogenic mechanism is that gizzerosine promotes secretion of large amounts of gastric acid, resulting in gastric mucosal lesions. Poultry farming is the main source of income in agriculture field, and is an important contributor to food-related human health. From the safety point of view in animal husbandry, it is essential to establish an inspection system that is suitable to monitor feed safety affording timely and effective control of factors affecting poultry safety. In this study, the physicochemical properties, toxic


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