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附件1: 聘用外国人就业申请表 Application for Recruiting Foreign Workers in China Extermal bourdaty Personnel in AnHui Province obtain employment application form 境外人员在肥就业申请表 Name in full:Mohamadou Djida Ismael 姓名:Mohamadou Djida Ismael Photograph 照 片 Nationality:Cameroon 国籍:喀麦隆 Date and place of birth:21.03.1985 Yaounde, Cameroon 出生日期和地点:1985年03月21日 雅温得,喀麦隆 Sex:Male 性别:男 Education:Master Degree 文化程度: 硕士研究生 Speciality:IndustrialEconomics 有何专长: 产业经济学 Credentiais 证 件 Type :Passport 种类:护照 Number:O1529303 号码: O1529303 Date of issue: 发证日期:2011年8月11日 Office of issue: 发证机关 DGSN Term of validity until: 有效日期至:2016年08月08日 Visa 签 证 Type: 种类:团聚 Number: 号码: Date of visa: 签证日期: Office of visa: 签证机关: Term of validity until: 有效日期至: Purpose of journey AnHui: 来安徽目的:创业 At present address in AnHui: 现在安徽住址:安徽合肥蜀山区南二环与翡翠路交叉口水墨兰庭29栋2601 Tel NO. 电话 In the engage or employment by: 聘雇单位:安徽商智领商务咨询有限公司 Address: 地址:安徽合肥蜀山区南二环与翡翠路交叉口水墨兰庭29栋2601 Tel NO. 电话 Name of employer: 负责人:Mohamadou Djida Ismael Tel NO. 电话 Filled by employment organization 由雇用单位填写 Reasons of employment: 雇用原因: Duration of employment: 就职期限: From to Filled by competent department and examine approve office: 由主管部门审批机关填写 Opinion of Competent authority at higher level: 主管部门意见: Opinion of labour office at county above: 县以上劳动部门意见: Opinion of examine and approve office: 审批部门意见: Obtam employment licence NO.: 就业许可证号码: Term of validity until: 有效其至: The an application form one and the same fill in three Copies. 注:本申请表填写一式叁份


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