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Choosing Psychological Measures for Research Michael T. Brannick, Ph.D. Psychology Department University of South Florida Three Main Types of Measures Maximum Performance – what can you do when you are trying your hardest? Typical Behavior – what do you do most of the time? Attitudes Feelings – what do you think about things? How do you feel about things? Types of Measures I Maximum Performance Ability Measures Cognitive (e.g., Verbal, Quantitative, Spatial) Perceptual (e.g., color, pitch) Motor (e.g., eye-hand, finger dexterity) Performance (Achievement) Measures Knowledge (e.g., GRE advanced, certification - BAR exam) Skill (e.g., welding, dance) Simulations (e.g., assessment centers, simulators for assessing aircrews) Types of Measures II Typical Performance (values, motives) Personality (paper pencil) OCEAN (openness to experience, conscientiousness, extroversion, agreeableness, neuroticism) Diagnostics (e.g., MMPI, Beck) Coping Special personality – e.g., Type A Personality Inferred from Performance TAT (Thematic Apperception Test) Rorschach Interests, e.g., Occupational Preferences RIASEC (realistic, investigative, artistic, social, enterprising, conventional) Types of Measures III Measures of Attitude Feeling Attitudes Beliefs Racism Organizational Commitment Satisfaction surveys Job satisfaction Product satisfaction Service satisfaction Misc Resources SES Social networks Choice of Measures Things to consider when choosing Purpose of your research Validity of the measure(s) Reliability of the measure(s) Practicality of obtaining and using the measure(s) Whether to create your own measure(s) Purpose of Research What is your research question? How will you answer the research question? What construct(s) are you trying to measure? What is the essence or meaning of the construct? What is its network? E.g., is it neuroticism, dissatisfaction with work, depression, fear of driving? (Anxiety is associated with somatic symptoms) Validity Meaning of num


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