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6 2 Vol. 6 2010 4 Ch inese Journal of Underground Space and Engineering Apr. 2010 * 地铁隧道冻结法施工融沉控制方案及实施 曹红林 (, 4 006 ) : 人工冻结法开始逐步被应用于城市地下工程的开挖和支护以来, 以其对各 地层 的适应性强, 对环境影响小等特点, 较其他地基处理工法显示了较大的优势, 但冻结引起的土 体冻胀融沉对环境产生了负面影响, 制约了冻结法在对环境要求高的地方的应用为了减缓 融沉对环境造成的影响, 一般工程中采用注浆补偿的方法, 在冻结后开始解冻时配合注浆来控 制冻土的融化沉降作者结合具体工程实例介绍了冻结法施工融沉控制方案及实施要点, 给 出了融沉注浆的施工工艺的原则和主要施工参数, 该工程实践对以后类似工程的实施具有一 定的指导和参考价值 : 地铁隧道; 冻结法施工; 注浆; 融沉控制 : TU 472. 9 : A : 167 - 08 6( 2010) 02- 0 87- 04 Thawing Settlem ent Control of Subway Tunnel Construction by Artificial Ground Freezing CaoHongling ( Ch ian R a ilw ay S iyuan S urv ey and D esign G roup Co. , L td. , W uhan 4 006 , Ch ina) Abstract: A rtificial freezing method isw idely used in the civil underground excavation and supporting projects these years, it is superior to other ground treatm ent methods because it is well suit for alm ost all k inds of layers and has less mi pact on environm en t. H owever, the frost heave and thaw ing settlem en t exert bad influence on surround ings so that th is method is not adopted in projectsw here there is h igh environment protection requ irem ent. In order to reduce the influence of thaw ing settlem ent on environm ent, the m ethod of grouting and compensationw hen thaw ing is adopt in general projects. This text comb ines a concrete engineering exam ple that the m easures and schem es of thaw ing settlem ent control are introduced, and puts forw ard technological principles of thawsubsidence and its m ain construction param eters, providing


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