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V ol. 45 No. 3 计算机与数字工程 总第329期 594 Com puter • D ig ita l Engineering 2017年第3期 基 于 C8051F 120的采煤机漏电保护装置的设计‘ 李炜怿 (陕西能源职业技术学院咸阳 712000) 摘要针对当前采煤机漏电保护装置抗干扰性差,漏电闭锁装置可靠性低的问题,论文设计了基于C 8051F 120 的采 煤机漏电保护装置。该装置中用W H B 2 0 S Y 1 5D 4 型开环霍尔电流传感器来检测漏电电流,用 A Z 4 3 1 可控精密稳压源来给 保护装置提供基准电压值, 提高了漏电保护装置的抗干扰性;采用以C 8051F120 微处理器为核心的漏电闭锁检测装置,对 采集的电压及电流信号进行去噪,得出准确的判断值,提高了漏电闭锁装置的可靠性。实验证明:该漏电保护装置检测动作 准确可靠, 并有效克服了噪声的干扰。 关 键 词 采 煤 机 ;漏电保护;C8051F120; AZ431 中图分类号 T M 331 D O I :10. 3969/j. issa 1672-9722. 2017. 03. 039 Design of Leakage Protection Device of Coal Winning Machine Based on C8051 FI20 LI Weiyi (Shaanxi E nergy In s titu te , Xianyang 712000) Abstract A im in g at the defects such as lo w performance o f anti-interference and lo w re lia b ility , caused by the current leakage protection device o f coal w in n in g machine, this paper proposes an design of leakage protection device of coal w inning machine based on C8051 F I 20. this device uses open loop h a ll current sensor W H B 20S Y 15D 4 to detect the leakage current, and AZ431 controllable precision voltage source to provide protection device reference voltage value, the anti-interference of the leakage protection device is im proved, C8051F120 mcu is used as the core of the electric leakage fastener to denoise the acquisition of the voltage and current signal, the accurate value is gotten, the re lia b ility of leakage blocking device is im ­ proved. the experim ental results shows th a t the leakage prot


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