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第 18 卷第 2 期 体 育 学 刊 Vol.18 No.2 2011 年 3 月 Journal of Physical Education M a r . 2 0 1 1 中美日大学生休闲体育现状对比 20 于英,王爽 (辽宁师范大学体育学院,辽宁 大连 116029 ) 摘 要:对中美日 30 所高校学生休闲体育开展的现状进行调查比较,结果显示:中美日大学 生在野营和徒步旅行上参与人数都达到了 60%以上;在定向越野、航海、潜泳和攀岩上参与人数 低于 20% 。大学生参与休闲体育的频率,在“1 年 5~6 次”上中国略高于美日,而在高频率“最 少 1 个月 1 次”、“几乎每天参加”、“最少1 周 1 次”上中国低于美日;整体而言,美国和日本大 学生休闲体育的开展情况好于中国。 关 键 词:休闲体育;大学生;中国;美国;日本 中图分类号:G80-05 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2011)02-0091-03 Comparison of current conditions of leisure sports between Chinese and US college students YU Ying ,WANG Shuang (School of Physical Education,Liaoning Normal University ,Dalian 116029 ,China ) Abstract: The authors investigated and analyzed current conditions of development of leisure sports by college students in 30 institutes of higher learning in China and the United States, and revealed the following findings: the percentages of Chinese and US college students participating in camping and hiking were all higher than 60%; the percentages of Chinese and US college students participating in orienteering, sailing, swimming and rock climbing were lower than 60%; the frequency of Chinese college students participating in leisure sports was higher than that of US college students in terms of “5-6 times a year”, lower than that of US college students in terms of “at least once a month”, “almost everyday” and “at least once a week”; in general, the condition of development of leisure sports


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