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* 英语·新课标(RJ) 1、英语中问路的方法 (1)你能告诉我去公园的路吗? Can you tell / show me the way to the park? (2)请问去邮局怎么走? Which is the way to the post office? (3)洗手间在哪儿? Wheres the restroom? (4)请问去银行怎么走? How can I get to the bank? (5) 附近有电话亭吗? Is there a pay phone near here? 2、常用的指路方法有以下几种: (1) 沿着这条路走…… Go / Walk this road and… (2) 在第二个十字路口处往左拐。 Turn left at the second crossing. (3)在第二个转弯处左拐。 Take the second turning on the left. (4)穿过这座桥。 Go across / Cross the bridge. (5)直走。 Go straight . along down 3、交通标志知多少? turn left turn right go along A on the left A on the right go along Turn left Turn right go up … go down … go / walk 4、位置关系 附近 紧挨着 在…前面 在…后面 在…对面 在…之间 在…左边/右边 在大街上 near / in the neiborhood next to in front of behind across from between …and… on the left / right on the street 1. 图书馆在邮局的对面。 The library is ______ _____ the ____ ______. 2. 在公园附近有餐馆吗? Is _____ a restaurant _____ the _____? 3. 紧挨着银行有一家旅馆。 There __ a hotel _____ __ the bank. there near park is next to across from post office 4. 投币电话在医院后面。 The ___ phone is ______ the _______. 5. 在警察局前面有很多树。 There are many trees __ ____ ___ the police station. in front of pay behind hospital 5、邻居与社区 neighbor n. 邻居 (主要指人) neighborhood 社区(主要指地方) 在这个小区 / 在附近。 in the neighborhood The girl is in front of the dog. in front of 表示“在…前面”,指的是在某物体外面的前面,即两者是分开的。 6、在…前面 The driver is in the front of the taxi. in the front of 表示”在…的前部“,指的是在某物体内部的前面,即两者是包容的。 7、across 与 through across 是介词,与on有关,动作表示从某个平面的一边移到另一边,即“横穿、横过” 。 People are walking across the street. walk?across the?desert. across The bird swam across the river. across 注意 cross 是动词 = go / walk across *


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