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安徽省六安市舒城中学2016年高一英语暑假作业4 第四天 美文晨读 On Ambition(Ⅱ) Joseph Epstein, a famous American writer, however, introduced the right of being ambitious to average people. While others were regarding ambition as a vague, general and remote thing beyond their reaches, Joseph was dividing ambition into four parts in his article: Ambition as a long-term object, and the nature of distant ambition, ambition as a short-term goal, and the significance of ambition in the near future, all of which are very useful and original to make us understand ambition more deeply, and overturn (颠覆) the stereotyped (老一套的) knowledge so as to bring forth a strong echo() in us. Ⅰ.单词拼写 1.We will go to the s________to watch a football match. 2.There has been heated________(争论) about whether the film should be allowed. 3.This is a l________problem,not a nationwide one. 4.The s________managed to get along well with his customers. 5.We can see a magical view over the calm water of the________(海湾) from our window. 6.When the water pipe burst,she had the________(智力,头脑) to turn off the water at once. 7.As is known to us all,the moon________(吸引) the sea water towards itself. 8.The store is on the o________side of the street,so that you must cross over the street to get there. 9.The area is a great place for________( 野生动物) because it provides food and shelter for them. 10.First I d________with his suggestion ,but later I changed my mind. 11.如果你酒后驾车,那么你将会有麻烦。 You will________________trouble if you drive after________. 12.除了这张新桌子外,我们将再订两张椅子。 Well order two chairs ________________________the new table. 13.几天后,你将不得不减价销售这些衣服。 You will have to sell the clothes ________________in a few days. 14.在科学领域已有许多重大的发现。 Many great________have________________in the field of science. 15.孩子们对杰克搞了点恶作剧,所幸的是他并没有生气。 The children________a silly trick________Jack,but luckily he wasnt annoyed about that. 16.在过去,这对夫妻靠捕鱼为生。 In the old days,the couple________________________by fishing. 17.她坐上了去上海的火车



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