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一:Gaining a Competitive Advantage INTRODUCTION Human Resource Management: Gaining a Competitive Advantage PART 1 The Human Resource Environment Strategic Human Resource Management The Analysis and Design of work PART 2 Acquisition and Preparation of Human Resource Human Resource Planning and Recruitment Selection and Placement PART 3 Assessment and Development of HRM Training Performance Management Employee Development Employee Separation and Retention PART 4 Compensation of Human Resources Model of Compensation Pay Structure Decisions PART 5 Employee Security PART 6 Global HRM 竞争优势 成本领先战略 开发、发展 人力资源管理 人力资源规划 工作分析 组织承诺 Organizational commitment 薪酬、报酬、工资 报酬、补助、补偿 津贴 benefits 生产率改进方案 招聘 recruitment 挑选、 选择、 选拔 培训 工会 工作场所 工作满意度 组织公民 绩效评估过程 产品分化 Product differentiation 二:Strategic Human Resource Management After reading this chapter, you should be able to: Describe the differences between strategy formulation and strategy implementation. List the components of the strategic management process. Discuss the role of the HR function in strategy formulation. Describe the linkages between HR and strategy formulation Describe the different HR issues and practices associated with various directional strategies. List the competencies the HR executive needs to become a strategic partner in the company. 人力资源规划 人力资源信息系统 战略性的计划 Strategic plan 战略制定 Strategy formulation 战略实施 Strategy implementation 公司文化 Corporate culture 使命申明 Mission statement 商业要素 Business factors 需求预测 Demand forecasting 供给预测 趋势分析 Trend analysis 销售力量估计 Sales force estimates 回归分析 Regression analysis 比率分析 Ratio analysis 群体大脑激荡 Group brain-storming The goal of strategic management in an organization is to deploy and allocate resources in a way that gives it a competitive advantage.


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