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考试题型: Reading Comprehension阅读理解(3篇,每篇5个问题,每题2分) Choice选择题(2’*10) Vocabulary词汇 ①Match配对题(1’*10) ②Abbreviation缩写(2’*5) ③Morpheme Analysis词素分析(2’*3) Sentence Complement完成句子(共3题,分值为3、3、4) Questions回答问题(分值14分) Abbreviation summary (缩写总结) Good Laboratory Practice——优良实验室规范 GMP——Good Manufacturing Practice——药品生产质量管理规范 GSP——Good Supplying Practice——药品经营质量管理规范 Unit one Text A Beriberi 脚气病 Calcium 钙 Inflame 使发炎 Riboflavin 核黄素,维生素B2 Ribo- 核 -flav- 黄 -in 素 Rickets佝偻病 Scurvy 坏血病 Thiamin 硫胺素,维生素B1 1. Vitamins are defined as organic nutrients required in very small amounts and essential for growth and for good health.(维生素被定义为有机营养素,虽然人体需求量很少,但身体生长和保持健康却缺它不可。) 2. Vitamin A(P2第二段、P14 Vitamin A第四段、第五段) Food containing Vitamin A——milk、butter、eggs、green vegetables、corn、carrots Function——Protecting man against some eye disease. 功能——预防眼部疾病 ——It plays a essential role in the function of the retina, in the maintenance of epithelial cells, and probably in the synthesis of glucocorticoids and it may be a growth-promoting factor. 维生素A在视网膜功能、上皮细胞的维护中起着重要作用,在糖皮质激素的合成中叶起着一定的作用,它还可能是促进生长的因素。 Deficiency disease——Deficiency of Vitamin reduces vision in dim light, the retinal rhodopsin concentration falls, the failure to dark-adapt. 3. Vitamin B1(P2第一段第一行和倒数第二行) Function——Curing beriberi Keeping your nerves in good condition and helps appetite and digestion.功能——治疗脚气病维持神经健康、促进食欲和消化。 Beriberi——Causing nerves to become inflamed and to degenerate. It is sometimes a cause of heart failure. 脚气病的危害——导致神经发炎和退化,有时还是心衰的一个诱因 4. Vitamin B2(P2第四段第三行) Function——Keeping the skin、 eyes and hair healthy 5. Vitamin C(P1倒数第二段) Function——Scurvy-preventing 6. Vitamin D(P2第三段) Formation——It is formed by the action of sunlight. 形成——通过光合作用在人体的皮肤中产生。 Function——This compound helps build calcium and other minerals into the bones and teeth. 功能——这种化合物有助于钙质和其他矿物质在骨骼和牙齿中生成。 Deficiency Disease——Rickets(children) ——Osteomalacia(adult) 缺乏症——佝偻病(儿童) ——软骨病(成人) How to cure


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