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竞争分析 国内药物研发服务型公司的竞争是高度分散的 国内竞争对手服务类型分析 公司名称 Chemistry Biology Scale up mfg. Preclinical Clinical Clinical central lab 保诺科技(BioDuro)NowPPD √ √ 开拓者 (Charles River) √ Bridge lab √ 凯美隆(Chemizon) √ 睿智(ChemPartner) √ √ √ Covance √ 中美冠科(Crown Biosciences) √ Frontier Bioscience √ 吉尔生化(GL Biochem) √ 辉源(HD Biosciences) √ 北京美迪生(MDS Pharma Service) √ √ 上海美迪西Medicilon (JV) √ √ √ 国家上海新药安全评价研究中心 √ 金斯特(GenScript) √ 澎立生物(PharmaLegacy) √ 药明康德(Wu Xi PharmaTech) √ √ √ √ PPDI(Pharmaceutical Product Development, Inc ) √ 兴德通(Sinocro) √ √ √ 肇庆创药(SNBL) √ 桑地亚(Sundia) √ √ (1) Source: Investment bank research report. 公司差异化、核心竞争力及比较竞争优势 蛋白结晶技术 化合物浸泡和共结晶 蛋白类药物同位素测试 筛选建模 (cancer) 筛选建模 (CNS) 综合 services (Product) 中国市场 Medicilon ++++ ++++ ++++ ++++ ++++ ++++ ++++ Wuxi + + ++ (USA) +++ +++ +++ + Shangpharm + + ++ ++ ++ + CrownBio +++++ + ++ Pharmaron + + +++ + PPD ++ +++ Sundia + + +++ + VivaBiotech ++ ++ Genscript + + + Medicilon: Public Attention Outsourcing in Drug Discovery, 2nd Edition 2006 As one of top 30 international drug discovery CRO companies As one of top 3 Chinese drug discovery CRO companies (Medicilon, Bridge and Wuxi were featured) Globalization of Drug Development: China (A CHA report) 2006 As one of top 5 CRO companies in China Wall Street Reporter Telephone Interview (Sept. 18, 2006) Chemical Engineering News, SPRUNG FROM MEDICHEM Dec. 20, 2004 Chemical Engineering News, CHINESE INDUSTRIAL PARKS UP THE ANTE, Oct. 31, 2006 Business D - “Shanghai High-Tech Future” Nov. 27, 2006 Chemical Engineering News, CHINA STRIDES TOWARD GLOBAL PHARMA ROLE, March 12, 2007 Chemical Engineering News, MEDICILON STRIVES TO KEEP THE PACE, JUNE 9, 2008 Pharmaceutical Executive, Media Center Interviews, Dec, 2009. Advantage to Work in Medicilon US FDA GLP compliance toxicology services Shanghai government authorized platforms for both non-human primate studies and structural biology Have passed audit by sFDA for more than 10 times Have served over 150 companies around the world Fi


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