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China daily 热词之经济学
China daily 热词之经济学
cooling measures in the property market
higher down payment requirements for first-time buyers提高首次购房者的首付比例
nationwide suspension of loan lending for third home purchases 全面叫停第三套房贷International Comparison Program 国际比较项目,简称ICP
purchasing power parity就是“购买力平价”,简写为PPP
低通货膨胀low inflation
急剧通货膨胀galloping inflation
需求拉动通胀demand-pull inflation
成本推动通胀cost-push inflation
固有型通货膨胀built-in inflation
trade imbalance就是“贸易失衡”
trade surplus(贸易顺差)
trade deficit(贸易逆差)
trade balance贸易差额
global economic imbalances(全球经济失衡
currency policies(货币政策)
trade protectionism(贸易保护主义)
financial regulatory reform(金融监管改革)
global settlement currency就是“国际结算货币”
invoicing currency(计价货币)
freely convertible currency(可自由兑换货币)
hard currency(硬货币
weak currency(软货币)
speculative demands就是指“投机性需求”
rigid demand(刚性需求)
elastic demand(弹性需求)
abnormal demand(反常需求、异常需求)
speculation and profiteering(投机倒把)
pricing regime定价机制
household wealth就是指“家庭财富”
household debt(家庭负债
property-for-residency scheme(购房移民计划)
Capital Investment Entrant Scheme(资本投资者入境计划
property bubble(地产泡沫)
commercial residential houses(商品房)
budget homes 廉价房
rent-to-buy program(先租后买项目)
wage formation mechanism指的是“工资形成机制”
low-end labor market即“低端劳动力市场”
migrant worker(农民工)
labor shortage(用工荒)
product placement 植入式广告
price-rigging 操纵价格
monopoly profit 垄断利润
anti-competition behavior 反竞争行为
speculation and hoarding 囤积居奇
price collusion合谋定价
digital film 数字电影
circular-screen movie 环幕电影
idle land闲置土地
idle money 闲散资金,游资
vacant property 闲置地产
land hoarding 囤地
institutional financing 机构融资
microcredit programs 小额信贷项目
recoverable garbage 可回收垃圾
brand copycats山寨
trademark infringement 商标侵权行为
quality goods 正品
business class就是“商务舱”
economy class / tourist class(经济舱
first class 头等舱
high-end travelers 高端乘客
premium economy class 豪华经济舱
tablet PC就是平板电脑
touch screen 触摸屏
Netbook 上网本
family-run management就是指“家族式管理
private enterprises 民营企业
core family核心家庭
retaliatory price rebound就是“报复性反弹”
retaliatory duty/tariff 报复性关税