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目 录 第一章 公共用语………………………………………………………1 第二章 进出港业务…………………………………………………67 第三章 靠离与锚泊业务……………………………………………100 第四章 装卸作业……………………………………………………135 第五章 航行………………………………………………………186 第六章 修船与船体保养………………………………………….223 第七章 事故处理…………………………………………………..251 第八章 消防与船员自救…………………………………………..291 第九章 救助………………………………………………………..326 第十章 遇险………………………………………………………..633 第十一章 港口国检查………………………………………………399 第十二章 ISPS………………………………………………………428 第十三章 朗读………………………………………………………445 参考答案………………………………………………………………455 1. What does the picture show? anchor. Autopilot. Bitts. Bunk. 2. What does the picture show? anchor.. auto pilot.. bitts. Bunk. 3. What does the arrow indicate? bottom. bilge. draught. keel. 4. What does the picture show? A. anchor. Bunk. Bitts. Autopilot. 5. What does the picture show? liferaft lifejacket life boat lifebuoy 6. What does the arrow indicate? A. bottom. B. bilge. C. draught. D. deck. 7. What does the arrow indicate? A. bow thruster B. bulbous bow C. bottom D. engine 8. What does the picture show? A. clove hitch B. double sheet bend C. figure of eight D. bowline 9. What does the picture show? A. bow thruster B. bulbous bow C. bottom D. engine 10. What does the arrow indicate? A. bunk B. cabin deck C. port hole D. bookshelf 11. What does the picture show? hold. Saloon. cabin. Messroom. 12. What’s the vessel’s state? capsizing pitching swaying surging 13. What does the picture show? clove hitch double sheet bend figure of eight bowline 14. What does the picture show? chart compass bollard autopilot 15. What does the picture show? hold. truck. container. bunk 16. What does the arrow indicate? Radar. autopilot. depth sounder. VHF set. 17. What does the picture show? flashing light. fixed light. group occulting light. single occulting light 18. What does the picture show? dock. draught. forecastle deck. go aground 19. What does the picture show? clove hitch. double sheet bend. figure of eight. Bowline. 20. What d


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