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5.4 形合法和意合法 When the weather is fair and settled, they are clothed in blue and purple, and print their bold outlines on the clear evening sky; but sometimes when the rest of the landscape is cloudless, they will gather a hood of gray vapors about their summits, which, in the last rays of the setting sun, will glow and light up with a crown of glory. 5.4 形合法和意合法 译:风和日丽之时,这些山峦便发出蓝紫色的光芒,粗粗的轮廓映照在晴朗的夜空上。但是有时,大地上其他地方都不见一片云彩,而独有这里的山峰上会聚集着一层灰蒙蒙的水气,在夕阳的余辉里,发出耀眼的光,像是璀璨的王冠。 5.4 形合法和意合法 It has been a fine, golden autumn, a lovely farewell to those who would lose their youth, and some of them their lives, before the leaves turned again in a peacetime fall. 第五章 英译汉的疑点 5.1 动态表达法与静态表达法 5.2 概略化表达法与具体化表达法 5.3 有生命主语句与无生命主语句 第五章 英译汉的疑点 For 20 years we were passive witness to the deterioration of prices of our raw materials and an excessive increase of the prices of manufactured goods. 5.1 动态表达法与静态表达法 静态表述在英语中多以“be(或功能相当于be的连系动词)+名词/形容词/副词/介词短语”句式为主。在汉语中多以“是+名词/形容词”句式为主;动态则是指“动作动词+其他句子成分”这类句式。英语中在选择表述动作意义的方式时常常是静态的表述方式多于动态的表述方式;而汉语却因为有多用动词的习惯,重动态描写。动态表述多于静态。翻译时处理这一差异的常用方法有两种:一是化静为动,二是化动为静。 5.1.1 化静为动 A. 词类转换 B. 被动 C. 含有动作含义的静态表达 D .其他 思考 为什么被动句在科技文用得很多? 5.1.2 化动为静 从翻译效果上看,有时把有些英语时态句式译成汉语的静态句式往往比译成动态句式效果要好。或者在英语动态句的意义不易用对等的汉语动态句来表达的时候,或表述不准确、不流畅时,也要转换为汉语的静态句式。 思考 化动为静情况下涉及到的词的特点 5.2 概略化表达法和具体化表达法 Next to health, heart and home, happiness for mobile Americans depends upon the automobile. The Great Wall is a must for most foreign visitors to Beijing. 5.3 有生命主语句和无生命主语句 从动作的执行者有无生命这一点上看,英语和汉语中的动词均可分为有灵动词和无灵动词。前者用在表示有生命的主语后,后者用在表示无生命的主语后。在英语中,有灵动词与无灵动词无明确的区别,即一个动词常常是既可用作有灵动词,也可用作无灵动词;但是在汉语中却存在着明显的区别。 有生命主语句与无生命主语句 The past decade saw much progress in our society. That night sleep eluded him. The houseboats’ simple design provides a living room, a dining room, and several bedrooms, one behind the other, with a corridor along one side. His reputation and achievements outlive him. 思考 翻译无生命主语句关键是? 无生命主语句的译法 A. 把无生命主语转换成有生命主语 e.g. The word “expect” always crept into Dad’s stories. 无生命主语句的译法 B.


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