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化学与生物工程 2007 ,Vol . 24 No . 4 4   9  Chemi stry Bio engineering Preparation and Antioxidant Properties of Decolorized Porcine Hemoglobin Hydrolysates GUO Shanguang , ZHAO Mouming , CUI Chun , ZHAO Qiangzhong , L IU Tongxun ( ) College of L ig ht I nd us t ry an d Food S cience , S outh China Univers ity of Technology , Guangz hou 510640 , China Abstract : Porcine hemo globin hydroly sat e s were p rep ared t hrou gh hydroly si s by enzyme admixt ure inclu din g Pancreatin and Prot amex , an d t he hydroly sat e s were decolorized by u sing charcoal . Molecular ma ss of t he hydro sat e s ran ged f ro m 15 kDa to f ree amino acid ( 1 kDa) an d molecular ma ss of t he decolorized hydroly sat e s wa s mainly 5 kDa . Decoloration coul d eliminat e 9436 % of hematin f ro m t he hydroly sat e s and imp roved color of t he final p ro duct . The hydroly sat e s and t he decolorized hydroly sat e s exhibit ed reducing power and D P P H radical scavenging activit y . The antio xidant activitie s of porcine hemo globin hydroly sat e s were dep endent on t heir molecular ma ss and t heir amino acid co mpo sition s. Key words :porcine hemo globin ; enzymatic hydroly si s ; decoloration ; antio xidant activit y   A nimal bloo d cont ain s 60 %~70 % of p la sma an d 1  Material s and methods 30 % ~40 % of su sp ended red cell s by weight . Of t he se t wo co mponent s , p l


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