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340 J Ch in M icrocirc Dec. 2008, Vo.l 12, No. 6 : 1007-8568( 2008) 06-0340-03 L- Rap在高糖培养的人视网膜血管 内皮细胞的表达变化 李斌, 胡军, 向艳, 李贵刚, 毛晓春, 徐玲娟 ( Leukocyte - derived A rgin ine Am inopeptidase, L - Rap), L- Rap , PCR L- Rap, L- Rap, L- Rap L- Rap mRNA , L- Rap- L- Rap, - L- Rap ; ; ; ; : R774 : B Expression ofL- Rap inHuman RetinalVascularEndothelialCellsCulturedwith High Glucose in vitro L I B in, H U Jun, X IAN G Yan, LI Gui- gang, MAO X iao- chun, X U L ing - j uan. Department of Oph thalm ology Tongj iHosp ita,l Tongj iM ed ical College, Huazhong University of S cience and Technology, Wuhan, 430030, China Abstract Objective To study the expression of L- Rap in human retinal vascular endothelial cells that w ere cu ltured in high glucose, and analyze the function of L- Rap protein of hum an retinal vascu lar endo- thelial cells. ethods Cu lture hum an retinal capillary endothelial cellsw ith h igh glucose, mRNA was detec- ted by real tmi e PCR, 3D protein structure model of L- Rap w as established, and the function of L- Rap w as analyzed. Results The mRNA level of L- Rap in hum an retinal capillary endothelial cells that w ere cultured in high glucosew as down- regu lated. L- Rap protein m ay play a role in angiogenes is, mi mune and inflamm a- tory factors asw ell as in renin - angiotensin system. Conclusion L- Rap is closely related to the d iabetic retinopathy. W e can exp lore the role of L- Rap on the diabetic retinopathy from three w ays: angiogen ic fac- tors, mi m une and inflamm atory cytok ines, renin - angiotensin system. Keywords Leukocyte - derived arginine am inopeptidase; Function; H um an retinal cap illary endo- thelial cells; H igh glucose; D iabetic retinopathy ( D iabetic retinopa- , thy, DR), DR , DR DR , DR DR DR ( DR , ), DR


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