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·420 · Ch in Op hthal R es,M ay 2009 , Vol. 27 ,No. 5  ·临床研究 · 神经生长因子滴眼液对 LA SIK术后角膜瓣神经 修复的影响 朱丹丹  陈 辉 Effect of NGF eyedrop on hum an cen tra l cornea l nerve regenera tion after la ser in situ kera tom ileusis Z hu D andan, Chen H u i. D ep a rtm en t of Op h tha lm ology, Aff ilia ted H osp ita l, N an tong Un ivers ity, N an tong 22 6001, Ch ina A b stract O bjective M any studie s showed a good effectivene ss of nerve grow th factor (N GF) on the recovery of corneal    ( ) sen sitivity follow ing the la ser in situ keratom ileu sis LA SIK . However, no study report verified the regeneration of corneal nerve fiber in the morpho logy. Th is study wa s to determ ine if top ically adm in istration of N GF p lays a ro le in accelerating the reinnervation of cen tral corneal flap nerve after LA SIK.  M ethods  A p ro sp ective doub lem a sked random ized study wa s designed. The LA SIK wa s p erform ed in 70 eye s from 30 p atien ts aged 18 - 40 years w ith the equ ivalen t len s - 300 - - 600 D. N GF wa s top ically u tilized in 36 eye s after LA SIK as trail group , and an equal amoun t of balanced saline so lu tion wa s u sed in the other 34 eyes from age and genderm atched p atien ts at the sam e way in control group. The corneal sen sation, tear film breakup tim e, tear conten t were exam ined in 10 days, 1, 3 and 6 mon th s after LA SIK, and corneal nerve fiber den sity wa s coun ted w ith confocal scann ing la ser oph thalmo scopy (H eidelberg R e


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