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Unit 1 Making a Difference Tasks: 1. The Ss are to guess new words according to the explanations. 2. The Ss are to make a summary of Professor Stephen Hawking. Teaching Aims: 1. To activate the Ss in classroom activities. 2. To help the Ss get into a good reading habit, knowing how to skim or scan the text to find the general idea or special information quickly. 3. To develop the Ss’ ability and skills of guessing words and reading comprehension. 4. To help the Ss know more about science and scientists, especially Professor Stephen Hawking. Moral Focus: Creative thinking, communication and cooperation Teaching Aids: A tape recorder, the listening cassette, a multi-media computer, etc. Teaching Procedures Step One Warming up 1. Greetings. 2. Comment on the Ss’ report about their favorite branch of science. 3. Go over ways of expressing, asking for and making remarks towards one’s opinions. 4. Lead in through pictures of Professor Stephen Hawking or video of Professor’s public talk in Zhejiang University. Task 1: Brainstorming(lockstep 集体活动) Ss are told to look at pictures of Professor Stephen Hawking or watch the video carefully. Ask them to answer questions as follows: First name Family name Gender Year of birth Place of birth Nationality Profession Marriage Health Something about his disease Ways of traveling around Great achievements successes Step Two Pre-reading Task2: Skimming (individual work个体活动 and pair work同伴活动) Ss are asked to read the passage quickly and work in pairs to find the answers to the following questions: Step Three While-reading Task 3: Vocabulary and Discussion(individual work个体活动and group work 小组活动) Ss are asked to read the text quickly to find the words or expressions in the passage according to the given meanings. Meanwhile Ss are encouraged to underline the unknown words, phrases or sentences in the text that are hard for them to understand, discussing in pairs or in groups. Similar meaning to vocabulary Words or expressi


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