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商务英语阅读(下) Business English: A Reading Course 主讲:赵冉冉 E-mail: zhanluecenter@;Questions What brand is your mobile phone? Three years ago, which brand of mobile phone did you use? Why do you change your mobilephone from one brand to another brand? What brand of shampoo do you use? and according to what you choose your shampoo brand?;; PG Why does PG create so many brands, How does it set its series of products, according to what?;;What is the marketing?;Customer-centered Brand Management;;Case 1: Oldsmobile;;VS;Parliament;1986年,美国的中产阶级数量膨胀,拥有更多可以自由支配收入 ,消费者从Honda经济型车转而购买其他欧洲豪华车。Honda总部打造了Acura品牌,该车提供了德国豪华车的良好性能和日本车坚固耐久的可靠性 。;Phaeton;Conclusion Customer equity Brand value ;The value of a brand depends on the customer How do most managers measure brand equity? What is the problem with that way of measurement? Conclusion: The brand might not be such an asset, the value of a brand is highly individualized, it depends on the customer. (different customer segments)大众辉腾;Expressions in the introduction:;6. Appeal to呼吁;上诉;要求;对…有吸引力 7. In the same vein同样道理 8. Phase out使逐步淘汰;逐渐停止 9. Shed a tear at为…落泪;为…感到伤心/惋惜 10. Gear to使适合;把…连到…上 11. Customer equity客户资产;Examples:;5. Henry wrote many short stories in the same vein, humorous and light-hearted. 6. In Pittsburgh, the G-20 nations agreed to phase out inefficient fossil fuel subsidies over time. 7. The company has phased out the truck manufacturing. 8. We must gear the style of our product to the needs of customers. ;Expressions in Part I;7. By all accounts据大家所说 8. Sales projections销售预测 Examples: He alternated between supporting me and opposing me. His father held a series of blue-collar jobs and, by all accounts, was a bitter man. ;Expressions in Part 2:;Examples:;Expression in Part 3:;Examples:;Part 4: Put Your Brands in Their Place 思考:如何实施品牌战略;5. How should we plan brand extension? 6. When should the company hand off customers to other brands? 7. If a brand becomes very unattractive to a customer segment, what shou


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