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商务英语合同 一般条款复习 一般条款 定义条款 合同转让条款 完整合同与修改 保证与担保条款 解除与终止条款 违约条款 争议解决条款 不可抗力条款 杂项条款 General clauses Definition Clauses Assignment Clauses Entire Agreement/Modification to be in writing Indemnification and Warranty Rescission and Termination Default Clauses Dispute Resolution Force Majeure Miscellaneous 一般条款之定义条款 As used in this Agreement, any gender shall be construed as including all other genders and the singular shall be construed as including the plural and the singular, as the sense requires. 本协议所用某一性别应解释为包含其他性别,单数应被理解包括复数,视句子需要复数包括单数。 一般条款之定义条款 常用句型结构: 1. Shall be(construed as)结构: 2. Shall mean或means结构: 3. Shall refer to 4. 此外,也偶有直接使用is/are的情形: 被解释为 专有技术 合同产品 技术文件 替代、代替 construe know-how contract product technical documents in lieu of Supplementary material In lieu of: 一般出现在英文合同中表示“替代” In place of, instead of Exercise: Acceptance means the acceptance by the Buyer of the Contract Plant which certifies the Supplier’s fulfillment of the Contract in respect of any Performance Test required thereunder in accordance with Article 25.3 (Acceptance) hereof. 验收系指买方接受合同设备,证明供应商就本协议第 25 条第 3 款规定所要求的性能测试合格,完成合同履行。 1. NO ASSIGNMENT. Neither party shall transfer or assign any rights or delegate any obligations hereunder, in whole or in part, whether voluntarily or by operation of law, without the prior written consent of the other party. Any purported transfer, assignment or delegation by either party without the appropriate prior written approval shall be null and void and of no force or effect. Notwithstanding the foregoing, without securing such prior consent, each party shall have the right to assign this Agreement or any of its rights or obligations to an Affiliate provided that such party continues to be liable for the performance of its obligations and either party shall have the right to assign this Agreement and the obligations hereunder to any successor of such party by way of merger or consolidation or the acquisition of substantially all of


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