商务英语 谈判策略(英语).ppt

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商务英语 谈判策略(英语)

Principled Negotiation;;1)Separate the people from the problem means separating relationship issues (or people problems) from substantive issues, and dealing with them independently. People problems tend to involve problems of perception, emotion, and communication. 第一,始终强调在触及实质问题时,人与问题一定要分开分别处理。 People problems also often involve difficult emotions — fear, anger, distrust and anxiety for example. These emotions get intertwined with the substantive issues in the dispute and make both harder to deal with. Fisher, Ury and Patton suggest five tactics for disentangling and defusing emotional problems in the negotiation process. ;2)Negotiating about interests means negotiating about things that people really want and need, not what they say that want or need. 第二,主张谈判的重点应放在利益上,而不是立场上,因此必须随时把握住谈判各方的利益,尽量克服立场的争执。 3)By focusing on interests, disputing parties can more easily fulfill the third principle--invent options for mutual gain. 第三,在决定如何实施方案前,先构思各种可能的选择,谈判者应该安排一段特定的时间,构思各种可能的解决方案,创造性地努力避免或削弱各方利益上的冲突,为对方谈判者主动提供某些解决问题的建设性提案的机会; This means negotiators should look for new solutions to the problem that will allow both sides to win, not just fight over the original positions which assume that for one side to win, the other side must lose. ;;A typical case;The librarian followed the second rule of principled negotiation “focus on interests, not positions”.If he just focused on positions but not the interests,the negotaition would have a deadlock.In fact,the librarian found the hidden interests that were fresh air and quiet. So he tried to handle this problem by reconciling both sides of interests but not the positions.And this way can be very efficient because every interest can be satisfied by many ways and the common interests are more than other interests.Because all of these,the librarian can solve the problem quickly and prefect.;A true case;Accoarding to the Japanese company,they had got many prices from different companies.There were $430 each ton,$390 each ton,$37


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