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理工英语翻译 (一)英译汉 1、People are all familiar with heat causing metals to expand. D、人们都知道,热会使金属膨胀。 2、While welcoming cloning animals, nearly all countries are against cloning humans. C、虽然支持克隆动物,但几乎所有的国家都反对克隆人类。 3、The study of genes is gaining importance throughout the world. A、对基因的研究,正在全世界日益收到重视。 4、Even the international authoritative sources will have to agree that the product developed in this laboratory is better than in any laboratory all over the world. D、即使国际权威人士也不得不承认,该实验室研制的这一产品优于世界上任何其他实验室的产品。 5、Over the years, efforts have been made to study the properties of this material. B、这几年里,人们做出了种种努力,来研究该材料的各种特性。 6、The design of a modern car should not only aim to construct a car that can provide a most comfortable interior, run smoothly on either rough ground or snow-covered roads, and consume less fuel than most cars of its kind do ,but also to minimize its construction cost as well as shorten the production time. C、现代汽车的设计,应当不仅着眼于制造一种车内安排最舒服、不论在粗糙的地面上还是在盖满冰雪的道路上都能平稳开动、消耗燃料又比大部分同类的车都少的车子,而且应当使其构造成本达到最低,生产时间尽量缩短。 7、Nowadays, a most wonderful way of carrying messages to link the world together is to send an electronic signal or message from a station on the earth to a satellite traveling in space and then to make it come back to another earth station, which may be very far away from the sending station. B、今天,传递信息以便把世界联系起来的一种十分巧妙方法是:从地面站向空间运转的卫星发射电子信号或信息,然后再让信号或信息返回到另一个地面站,而这两个地面站之间的距离十分遥远。 8、Recent studies suggest that the human brain continues to change through the process of evolution. The findings conflict with a common belief that the brain has evolved about as much as it ever will. A、最近的研究指出,人类的大脑通过进化过程在继续改变。这一发现同人们普遍接受的大脑进化已经停止这一信念相冲突。 9、Solar energy has been used in many traditional technologies for centuries and has come into widespread use where other power supplies are absent, such as in remote locations and in space. C、几个世纪以来,许多传统的技术都已经在使用太阳能。在那些其他能源无法供应的地区,如偏远地区和太空,太阳能已经得到广泛的应用。 10、The production of computers and calculators able to



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