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总经理(The general manager): 我们公司成立于2000年5月,是中国著名的羊绒企业之一,隶属于横跨多行业的大型集团公司——浙江阳光集团。 公司引进了著名的营销策划机构,导入“模式创新”理念,启动羊绒“多彩战略”,并全方位升级品牌运营系统,包括产品、营销、企划、管理等体系的完善与升位。 我们公司重视建立与合作伙伴的共赢关系,推出完整的零售支持系统,确保优质网点的快速拓展。 生产部经理(The manager of Production Department): 公司拥有80000平米生产基地,引进德国先进设备,年产能达100余万件套。 销售部经理(The manager of Sales Department): 我们在全国20多个省开了300多家专卖店,主要销售旗下的核心品牌“阳光”羊绒。羊绒时装为产品主线,以尊贵的品质、简约的设计、精致的细节,传导出“含蓄的奢华”的品牌内涵,所以深受成熟精英人仕的青睐,专卖网络遍布全国高端核心商圈。 公关部经理(The manager of Publicity Department): 我们公司具备领先的品牌理念,2005年率先在羊绒业重金聘请国际巨星Sara为品牌代言人;羊绒产业设计力普遍不足,所以我们公司导入了国内外专业的设计机构,以强大的研发团队,为羊绒产品注入时尚、活力的文化。 品牌化的运作, 使我们的品牌迅速跻身行业强势阵营,并获得“中国驰名商标”、“国家免检产品”、“中国最具时尚影响力服装品牌”等诸多的荣誉。 3. What is the correct form of a company profile? There are three parts in a company profile: introduction body close Zhejiang Sunshine Cashmere Co. Ltd. is a modern cashmere garment company. Depending on particular marketing strategy and abundant resources, the company has become a professional cashmere producer in the high competitive cashmere garments markets. In the new century, Sunshine will take “develop national industry” as our duty to meet customers’ requirements. We sincerely invite you to contact us for further information and to fulfill any of your cashmere products needs. The Format of the company profile Introduction Body Close The format of company profile Introduction Body Close In this part, a company is introduced in these respects of: business scope, equipments, ranges of products, market, business contacts, strategic objectives, sales volume, etc. 1) The company has imported a complete set of automatic production lines and up-to-date technology. Its products are in complete conformity with the international standards. 公司引进了日本自动化生产线的全套设备和先进技术,产品技术标准达到国际标准。 2) It now has more than 1500 workers and produces more than 600 000 sets of high-grade woolen clothes each year. 本公司现有职工1500余人,年产各种高档毛呢服装6


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