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有关学生创新性学习习惯的培养的探析中英文对照 Analysis of the students creative learning habits in Chinese and English 小学阶段是学生学习启蒙阶段,也是学生学习基础的最重要阶段,教学中要激发学生创新意识,培养创造性学习的行为习惯就成了这个阶段的重要内容,具体做法如下:一、手脑结合,注重实践实践是创新活动中必不可少的一个过程。 Primary school students learning stage of enlightenment, the most important stage is the students learn basic, teaching to stimulate students creative consciousness, creative learning habits is an important content of this stage, the specific measures are as follows: A, hands and brain together, pay attention to practice is an essential process in creative activities. 关键词:创新性学习 学习习惯 Keywords: innovative learning habits 在课堂教学过程中,培养学生手脑结合,注重实践的习惯不仅可以让学生主动参与知识的形成过程,了解知识的来龙去脉,还能促进学生思维的发展,有助于激发学生创新意识。仍以“小统计”为例,为了使学生了解从收集数据到整理数据、解释数据的过程,课前让学生收集自己母亲生日的数据,课上在模拟给妈妈庆贺生日的情境中,认识各月份母亲生日人数的统计图。既使学生初步知道怎样收集、整理、解释数据,又进行了爱长辈的情感教育。又如引导学生从已有长方形面积计算中探究推导三角形面积计算。课上让学生在一个长方形中任意画出一个最大的三角形,思考:这三角形的面积与相应长方形的面积之间的关系。并边思考进动手验证,学生想到各种剪拼的方法,发现了三角形面积是相应长方形面积的一半,还有的想到不用剪,利用长方形对进相等的关系也能得出相同的结论。 In the process of teaching, cultivating students hands and brain together, pay attention to practice the habit can not only let students actively participate in the formation of knowledge, knowledge of the sequence of events, but also promote the development of students thinking, helps to stimulate students innovation consciousness. Still with statistical as an example, in order to enable students to learn from data collection to data processing, interpretation of the data process, before class let students collected their mothers birthday data, class for mother celebrate birthday in simulated situations, understanding of the statistical graph of each month in the number of mothers birthday. Even if the students know how to collect, collate, interpretation of the data, and the elders of the emotional education of love. And as to guide students from the existing rectangular area calculation of triangle area calculation. Class allows students to draw any one of the largest triangle, in a rectangle think


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