
OrCAD_PSpice_Tutorial Orcad仿真原理图创建指导手册.pdf

OrCAD_PSpice_Tutorial Orcad仿真原理图创建指导手册.pdf

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OrCAD_PSpice_Tutorial Orcad仿真原理图创建指导手册

OrCAD Flow Tutorial, Product Version 16.0 2 Creating a schematic design This chapter consists of the following sections: Obj ective Design example Creating a design in Capture Processing a design Summary Whats next Recommended reading Objective To create a schematic design in OrCAD Capture. In this chapter, you will be introduced to basic design steps, such as placing a part, connecting parts using wires, adding ports, generating parts, and so on. The steps for preparing your design for simulation using PSpice and for taking your design for placement and routing to OrCAD Layout or OrCAD PCB Editor are also covered in this chapter. Design example In this chapter, you will create a full adder design in OrCAD Capture. The full adder design covered in this tutorial is a complex hierarchical design that has two hierarchical blocks referring 1 to the same half adder design. Duration: 40 minutes Creating a design in Capture Guidelines When creating a new circuit design in OrCAD Capture, it is recommended that you follow the guidelines listed below. 1. Avoid spaces in pathnames and filenames. This is necessary to get your design into downstream products, such as SPECCTRA for OrCAD. 2. Avoid using special characters for naming nets, nodes, proj ects, or libraries. While naming nets, use of illegal characters listed below might cause the netlister to fail. ?(question mark) @ (at symbol) ~ (telda) #(hash) (ampersand) % (percent sign) (quotation marks) ! (exclamation mark) ( )(parenthesis)


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