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动词-ing 做主语和宾语;Have you ever seen these signs?;1. Playing tricks on others is impolite. (_______________) 2. He saw the great need for increasing the rice output. (______________) 3. Talking is easier than doing. (_____________) 4. We don’t allow smoking here. (__________) 5. It is no good wasting time. (______________________);二. V-ing作主语的用法 1. V-ing作主语往往表示经常性,习惯性的动作。 Seeing is believing. 2) Reading novels is an enjoyment. 3) Having sports is good for our health. 比较: 不定式作主语往往表示具体的特别是将来的动作。 ________ this novel is my homework. (read) __________ novels is an enjoyment. (read) ;2. 观察句子, 注意V-ing作主语时的位置。 1) Playing with fire is dangerous. (直接放在动词前) 2) There is no point doing such a silly thing. (there be 句型) 3) It is useless telephoning him. (it作形式主语) 3 牢记v-ing形式作主语的几个常用句型。 It is useless doing sth . 做…没用 It is no good/ use doing sth做…没有好处/ 用处 It is worthwhile doing sth 做…是值得的。 It is a waste of time doing sth 做…是浪费时间 There is no joking about sth…开不得玩笑 There is no point doing sth做…毫无意义;4. Practice:根据所给的中文翻译句子 1.) ________ packages is the young man’s part-time job. 递送包裹是那个年青人的兼职。 2.) There is no pointing _________________(考试作弊) 3.) When you read a passage, ___________________(查字典) is a good habit. 4.) It is _____________________________________. 对父母撒谎是没有好处的。 5.) It is a __________________________________ what you have done. 后悔已经做过的事情是浪费时间;三. 动词-ing作宾语的用法 1.V-ing形式既可作及物动词的宾语, 也可作介词的宾语。 However, he doesn’t care about______________( 成名) . He enjoys_________(listen) to violin music, _______( play ) Mah-jong, swimming and reading. 2. 有些动词和短语只能用V-ing形式作宾语。 I suggest ________(chat ) with him . We’re considering _____(pay) a visit to the Science Museum. We must try to avoid ________(repeat) the same mistake. ;;3. 既可接动名词又可接不定式作宾语的动词, 常有: begin, start, continue, like, love, prefer, hate等。 4. 但是, 有一些动词后接v-ing形式或不定式结构意义完全 不同。 I remember posting the letter.寄过信


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