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托福高频词汇背诵学习版 abdomen 名:腹部 belly ability 名:能力、才干 The manager had lost his ability to motivate the players. absentee 名:缺席者、不在场者There were many absentees from the meeting. abstract 形:抽象的、深奥的 abstract concepts accommodate 动:容纳、使适应 contain This chair accommodates its shape to a persons position. accomplish 动:到达、完成 accomplish ones mission accurate 形:准确的、精确地 accurate information about the illness correct act 名:行为、法令、条例 active 形:活跃的、积极地 an active volcano an active member of a club adapt 动:使适应、改编 be adapted for , unfit(for) The movie was adapted from a novel. adjacent 形:毗邻的、相连的 adjacent cities; adjoining adjust 动:调整、调节 to adjust themselves to their environment admit 动:承认、允许 was admitted to the bar association;prohibit adopt 动:收养、采用、采取 adopt a new technique advanced 形:先进的、高级的 advanced teaching methods; an advanced text in physics advise 动:劝告、劝诫、通知 advised him to take advantage of the opportunity advocate 名:提倡者、拥护者 an advocate of civil rights affair 名:事情、事件 The senators death was a tragic affair affect 动:影响、使感动 Inflation affects the buying power of the dollar afford 动:负担得起……、提供 afterward 副:后来、以后 The offender was arrested shortly afterward. aim 名:目标、瞄准(的方向) our primary aim is to achieve financial discipline album 名:相簿、唱片集 The photos belong in an album. alike 形:相同的、相像的 Friends are generally alike in background and tastes. allowance 名:津贴、零用钱 a travel allowance that covers hotel and restaurant bills ambition 名:野心、抱负、志向 amount 名:总数、总额 a great amount of intelligence. analysis 名:分析、分解an analysis of popular culture synthesis anatomy 名:解剖学、解剖结构 animal anatomy? ancient 形:古代的、旧的 ancient city announce 动:宣布、宣告 announced a cease-fire annual 形:每年的、年度的 an annual income anxious 形:焦虑的、渴望的 She was extremely anxious about her exams. They are really anxious for peace. apart 副:分开的、有距离的 stand apart apologize 动:道歉 We apologize to him for o


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