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Interdependence and the Gains from Trade 相互依存和贸易得益 Chapter 3 Interdependence and Trade 相互依存和贸易 想象一下你一天典型的生活: 早上,你用温州产的闹钟或东莞产的手机闹醒 你穿的衣服是浙江或者墨西哥制造,皮鞋是意大利制造的 你喝的牛奶产自内蒙古 你开着上海产的车去上班,加的汽油是南京生产的 上半时你用的电脑是深圳产的,打印机是苏州产的,纸张进口自印尼 ……如此以及其他一切你生活中的物品 而所有的物品都有可能来自另外一个国家 Interdependence and Trade 相互依存和贸易 Remember, economics is the study of how societies produce and distribute goods in an attempt to satisfy the wants and needs of its members. 记住,经济学是研究社会如何生产和分配产品以满足其成员需求的。 How do we satisfy our wants and needs in a global economy? 全球经济中,我们如何满足我们的需要? We can be economically self-sufficient. 经济上自给自足。 We can specialize and trade with others , leading to economic interdependence. 专业化分工然后互相贸易,这将导致经济相互依赖。 Interdependence and Trade 相互依赖和贸易 A general observation… Individuals and nations rely on specialized production and exchange as a way to address problems caused by scarcity. 通常我们观察到,个体和国家依赖于专业化生产和贸易,以此来解决由于稀缺性带来的问题。 Interdependence and Trade 相互依赖和贸易 But, this gives rise to two questions: Why is the interdependence the norm? 为什么相互依赖成了常态? What determine production and trade? 生产和贸易取决于什么? Why is the interdependence the norm? 为什么相互依赖成了常态? Interdependence occurs because people are better off when they specialize and trade with others 相互依存会发生是因为当人们进行专业化分工且互相贸易时,他们的处境变得更好了。 What determines the pattern of production and trade? 什么决定了生产和贸易的模式? Patterns of production and trade are based upon the differences in opportunity costs 生产和贸易的模式是基于机会成本的差异 A Parable for Modern Economy 一个现代经济的寓言 Imagine…假设 Only two goods: potatoes and meat 只生产两种产品:土豆和牛肉 Only two people: a farmer and a rancher 只有两个人:农夫和工人 What should each produce? 每个人应该生产什么? Why should they trade? 为什么他们应该进行贸易? The Production Opportunities of the Farmer and the Rancher Production Possibilities Frontiers 生产可能性边界 Production Possibilities Frontiers 生产可能性边界 Self-Sufficiency(自给自足) By ignoring each other:忽略对方的存在 Each consumes what they each produce. 每个人只消费自己所生产的物品 The production possibilities frontier is also the consumption possibilities frontier 生


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