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一、找出划线部分读音与其他三个不同的选项。 1.A. name B. same C. tape D. map 2.A. me B. these C. bed D. she 3.A. short B. house C. talk D. autumn 二、找出划线部分读音与所给单词相同的选项。 4.sorry A.home B.box C.chalk D.who 5.health A.cream B.black C.lesson D.each 三、找出与所给音标对应的选项。 6. [?f?: ti:n] A.forty B. photo C. Friday D.fourteen 7. [h?b?t] A.carrot B. habit C. number D.history 2.爆破音 + 摩擦音或破擦音 ? 摩擦音 ? ? 破擦音: ? ?当一个爆破音后面紧跟着一个摩擦音或破擦音时,前面的爆破音只作部分爆破。 方法是:对于前一个爆破音,作好发音的姿势,刚发出时,立即过渡到第二个摩擦音或破擦音上去。第一个爆破音发出的声音是非常轻微的,有时甚至听不出来。这种现象叫做不完全爆破。 例如/t t∫, td?, d t∫, dd?, p t∫, pd?, g t∫, gd?/等。这样的组合出现时,前面的爆破音就需要不完全爆破了。例如: ? ? picture /`pik t∫ ? / ? ? big jug /`big `d?Λ ? / ? ? good child /`gud ` t∫aild/ ? ? that joke /`e?t `d??uk/ 3.爆破音 + 鼻辅音或舌边音 也产生不完全爆破现像。 ? 鼻辅音: ? ? 舌边音:? ? 例如: ? ? good morning /`gud `m?:ni?/ ? ? big nation /`big `nei∫?n/ ? ? mad man /`m?d `m?n/ ? ? correct note /k ?`rekt `n?ut/ 第一关: loud music a good try a bad child a bit dry a big tree a hard journey a fast train a sweet dream He has a cold drink. What did he buy? He bought a black jacket. * Good,better,best! Never let it rest! 英语视频 Phonetics 玉田三中:单玉环 学习目标: 1.掌握发/i:/ /?/ /e/ /?/ /?:/ /?:(r)/ /?/ 音的字母或字母组合规律, 能做到看形知其音,听音知其形。 2.初步掌握朗读技巧:不完全爆破。 3.提高用音标识记单词的能力和口语水平。 Tasks for you! 八仙过海,各显神通 I can see the sea, the deep green sea. Down past the green tree, there the men drink their tea. And the whole beach is free. Seeing the sea always makes me calm and free. I can see the sea, the deep green sea. Down past the green tree, there the men drink their tea. And the whole beach is free. Seeing the sea always makes me calm and free. Enjoy a poem 曼妙时光 元音字母e(开音节中 Open Syllables ) 字母组合ea,ee 都可以发长元音/i:/ Collect the words like this as many as possible. 我的发现: e-


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