ubuntu中 sudo 的用法(国外英文资料).doc

ubuntu中 sudo 的用法(国外英文资料).doc

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ubuntu中 sudo 的用法(国外英文资料)

ubuntu中 sudo 的用法(国外英文资料)Usage of sudo in ubuntu - Unix/LinuxThis article describes how to use the sudo command to assign administrative privileges to Ubuntu.Ubuntu has a unique feature that you cant log in as root when you first use it. Why is that? This is about the installation of the system. For other Linux systems, the root password is typically set in the installation process so that users can log in to the root account or use the su command to convert to a super user identity. In contrast, when Ubuntu is installed by default, no password is set for root and no root account is enabled. The question is what if you want to run the command as root? Never mind, we can use the sudo command to do this.Sudo was used under Linux allows ordinary users use super user permissions tool, this command provides the administrator with a fine granularity of access control methods, through which people can be a super user and can be used as other types of users to access the system. The advantage is, the administrator can in under the premise of not to tell the user root password, give them some specific types of super user permissions, this is the dream of many system administrators.The default configuration for sudoBy default, Ubuntu provides a basic configuration for sudo, which is saved in the sudoers file under the/etc directory. In modifying the configuration file, be sure to use visudo tools to edit, because the tool will automatically to strict inspection of the configuration syntax, if you find errors, in the preservation exits given warning, and prompt you to which section of the configuration error, so as to ensure the accuracy of the configuration file. Conversely, if you use other text editing programs, if you make a mistake, you will have serious consequences for the system. The following is an Ubuntu default/etc/sudoers file:# User privilege specification string 7The root of ALL = (ALL) ALLMembers of the admin group may gain root privileges% admin ALL = (ALL) stri


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