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公招考试试题(国外英文资料) 1 set of questions In the context of the new curriculum, the curriculum is the sum of the content and progress of the course. A. for b. wrong Answer: B In his book, teaching and development, zenkov proposed five new teaching principles, not one of them (). A. high difficulty principle b. high speed principle C. Step by step principle Answer: C The perceptual feature that differentiates objects from the background is () A. selectivity b. constancy c. understanding d. integrity Answer: A, Problem set 2 A teacher is an elaborator and a sender of a given course. The student is the recipient and the absorber of the given course. This is the teaching concept advocated by the new curriculum. A. for b. wrong Answer: B The teaching process is a special () A. psychological process b. information process c. cognition process Answer: C The ebbinghaus forgetting curve shows that the forgetting process is () A: slow down and slow down C. uniform speed Answer: A, Problem set 3 Teaching is the process of interaction, positive interaction and common development of teachers and students. A. for b. wrong Answer: A, The principle of moral education embodied in as much as you want to be as much as possible, as much as possible, is the principle of moral education. A. from the principles of the students practical principles Respect, trust the students and the strict requirement of students Answer: C The fulfillment of the full play of individual potential and the perfect realization of the ideals and human values belongs to () A. physical and security need b. respect the need The need for belonging and love D Answer: D The fourth problem set In the new course, the course evaluation is mainly aimed at selecting children suitable for education to promote the development of children. A. for b. wrong Answer: B The core objective of this course reform is () A: the transformation of the course function C. The balance, synthesis and selectivity of the course structure Answer: A,


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