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湖北汽车工业学院毕业设计(论文) PAGE PAGE II 摘要 本文以小型连锁超市为研究对象,综述了目前连锁超市进销存系统的现状。根据当前超市的工作流程,开发了小型连锁超市进销存系统。本文以生命周期法作为开发方法,在需求分析的基础之上,做了详细的系统设计。包括总体结构设计、功能模块设计、网络结构设计以及系统平台的选择。由于连锁超市管理错综复杂、品种繁多,所以论文有选择地突出了数据库设计部分、程序设计部分。本系统的界面借鉴了“易飞ERP系统”的风格,并且通过程序实现了第三方控件dbtreeview的功能。 关键词:进销存管理,信息系统,MIS系统 Abstract This thesis regards small-scale chain supermarket as research object, summarized the current situation of chain supermarkets purchase、 sell and store system at present, according to the workflow of the present supermarket, develop a purchase、sell and store system of the small-scale chain supermarket. I regard cycle law of the life as the systematic development method, have made detailed system excogitation which that base on the analysis of requirement. It includes the design of whole ensemble architecture, function module design, network structure and choose platform of the system. Because the chain supermarket manages are intricately, the goods are various, so the thesis focus on the design database and the procedure design. The system’s interface draws lessons from the interface style yifei ERP system , and has realized the third party controlling part dbtreeviews function through the procedure . Key words: purchase、sell and stock management, system of information, system of MIS 目录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u HYPERLINK \l _To第1章 引言 PAGEREF _To\h 1 HYPERLINK \l _To1.1课题背景 PAGEREF _To\h 1 HYPERLINK \l _To1.2国内外概况 PAGEREF _To\h 1 HYPERLINK \l _To1.3主要研究工作 PAGEREF _To\h 3 HYPERLINK \l _To第2章 超市进销存系统设计 PAGEREF _To\h 5 HYPERLINK \l _To2.1进销存业务需求分析 PAGEREF _To\h 5 HYPERLINK \l _To2.2超市MIS系统结构分析 PAGEREF _To\h 6 HYPERLINK \l _To2.3业务系统功能模块设计 PAGEREF _To\h 8 HYPERLINK \l _To2.4总部管理局域网络系统结构 PAGEREF _To\h 9 HYPERLINK \l _To2.5连锁超市分店系统结构 PAGEREF _To\h 10 HYPERLINK \l _Toc755


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