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仪器分析及实验 (Instrumental Analysis Experiment) (双语) 参考资料 references 《仪器分析原理》科学出版社,何金兰等; 《仪器分析原理》科学出版社,方惠群等; 《仪器分析学习指导与综合练习》高教出版社,刘志广主编 《仪器分析习题精解》科学出版社,胡胜水 《仪器分析学习指导》科学出版社,方惠群 课程的学习方法 learning method of the course 1. 特点:基础课(无机、有机、物化、物理)——应用 2. 抓住主线 特点——原理——用途;重点在原理 3. 归纳共性与个性 色谱法:共性:复杂混合物分离分析 个性:流动相-原理-对象 4. 处理好整体与局部 分析仪器——结构流程——关键部件 5. 广泛利用网上资料 Everything you want, it could be find in the internet! 分析化学、化学分析、仪器分析 Before the beginning of the twentieth century most quantitative chemical analyses used gravimetry(重量测定) or titrimetry(滴定测定) as the analytical method. With these methods, analysts achieved highly accurates results, but were usually limited to the analysis of major and minor analytes. Owing to the wide variety of methods available, it has become possible to penetrate into smaller and smaller ranges of concentrations (trace analysis) and to analyze thoroughly more complex material mixtures (e.g. using high-power separation methods). Instrumental analysis is the analytical techniques which are based on the measurement of a physical property of sample, for example, the absorption of electromagnetic radiation. These techniques are generally more sensitive and selective than classical techniques but are less precise, on the order of 1 to 5% or so. They are usually more rapid, may be automated, and may be capable of measuring more than one analyte at a time. Although there are probably as many descriptions of the analytical approach, it is convenient for our purposes to treat it as a five-step process: Identify and define the problem. Design the experimental procedure. 仪器分析应用领域 application fields of instrument analysis 社会:体育(兴奋剂)、生活产品质量(食品添加剂、农药残留量)、环境质量(污染实时检测)、法庭化学(DNA技术,物证) 化学:新化合物的结构表征;分子层次上的分析方法; 生命科学:DNA测序;活体检测; 环境科学:环境监测;污染物分析; 材料科学:新材料,结构与性能; 药物:天然药物的有效成分与结构,构效关系研究; 外层空间探索:微型、高效、自动、智能化仪器研制。 仪器分析的发展方向: 课程的主要内容与学习方法 十二章内容,十一类仪器分析方法(原理、仪器结构、操作条件选择、应用);



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