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文章编号:1674-0629(2012)01-0001-07 中图分类号:TMXXX 文献标志码:A DOI:10.13648/j.cnki.issn1674-0629.2014.0x.00x 基于反卷积分析电容式电压互感器 传递特性算法研究 摘要:电容式电压互感器(capacitor voltage transformer,CVT)在电力系统中广泛应用,得到其准确的传递特性有利于系统的保护、测量、监测。目前关于CVT研究一般基于典型的等效电路,然而不同工况下的CVT内部参数不同,导致传递函数各不相同。本文提出在未知CVT内部结构参数的情况下,对CVT注入方波脉冲,并基于卷积定理提出了递推法和最小二乘法计算单位冲激响应。通过在PSCAD中建立仿真电路分析验证了理论的正确性和算法的可靠性。并且进一步对原信号叠加噪声,从算法结构上分析两种算法抗噪能力与噪声影响因子。研究发现,在加入噪声干扰时,递推法和最小二乘法抗噪能力受到计算反卷长度有关;在噪声信噪比高于40dB后,两种方法都能得到较准确的结果。 关键词:电容式电压互感器;冲激响应;卷积定理;递推;最小二乘法 Study On the Transfer Characteristics of CVT Using Deconvolution Algorithm Abstract: Capacitor voltage transformer(CVT) is widely applied in electric power system. An accurate transfer function of CVT is beneficial to the protection, the measurement and the moniting of power system. The reaserches in the past based on the internal structure and the element parameters of CVT can’t caculate an accurate transfer function when measurement error is occurred. A square-wave pulse is applied in CVT when the internal structure parameters are not clear. Then, two method based on convolution theorem to caculate the impulse response of CVT is proposed. The correctness of theory and the reliability of the algorithm are verified by building the simulation circuit. Furthermore, the noise is addied in original signal, the anti-noise ability and noise impact factor of two algorithms are analyze in their structure. According to the reaserch, when adding noise, the anti-noise ability of recursive method and least squares are influenced by the length of convolution. Both methods can get accurate results when the signal to noise ratio is up to 40 db. Key words: capacitor voltage transformer; impulse response; convolution theorem; recursion; least square method. 0 引言 电容式电压互感器(capacitor voltage transformer,CVT)因其具有体积小、性价比高、防止铁磁谐振等优点,目前在35kV及以上电力系统中的继电保护、故障测距及系统状态检测等领域应用广泛[1]。CVT的传递特性直接影响电力系统的正常监测与控制。 CVT能有效测量一次侧中的工频电压信号,而对谐波信号存在较大误差,国标规定“电容式电压互感器不宜用于谐波测量”[2-4]。另一方面,CVT暂态特性不佳,在系统发生故障时,导致二次侧电压难以准确反应系统暂态情况,保护装置延时



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