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补充内容 1、表示经常发生、习惯性的动作或者存在的整体时常与表示动作频率的时间副词连用。此时应注意: (1)位置:在be动词后、实意动词前 He always goes to school by bike. (2) 常置于否定助动词前,always除外 The history lectures sometimes aren’t interesting. (3)注意否定频率副词never,seldom, rarely与否定程度副词hardly, scarcely, barely 用法区别 He scarcely attends class.(x) Because of his hearing loss, he scarcely hears me when I speak. 2、一般现在时可表示正在发生的动作 用作以there, here 开头的句中,表示目前短暂的动作 Here comes the teacher. There goes our bus; we’ll have to wait for the next. 1、would 与 used to 区别 ?Would只能表示过去重复的动作 When I was a boy, I used to/would go swimming in a river near my house. I would have a cat. (x) ?used to 和would 均不能表示过去某事发生的次数 I used to /would go to that restrauant over ten times when I was in college. (x) 2、 —— Who is the man in the picture? —— He was my brother. 表示死者的动作和状态 3、 I got the job because I had the capacity. I thought he was a thief. 在从句中,为了时态一致,需要用过去时,此时从句动作往往不表示过去,而表示现在。 5、可表示过去的过去,此时一般用在从句中,且是因为不强调动作的先后因果关系时。 Did you find the cat you lost? I apologized for what I did. ?一般不用进行体的动词 表示心理活动、所有关系、感觉的动词,如:know, understand, believe, remember, think, love, hate, like, prefer, appreciate, need, want; own, have, possess, belong, cost, owe, bear; see, notice, recognize, perceive, seem, appear, seem, look, like, resemble, hear, hear, smell, taste. ?表示动态的形容词(通常是表明行为态度特征的词)可有进行体, 如careful, silly, patient, foolish等。 At this moment, she is being careful. ?常与always, forever, continually, constantly等连用,表示意想不到或使人不愉快的事。 Jack is always borrowing money and forgetting to pay you back.


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