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九年级英语月考试题(1---7单元) (120分钟完卷。总分:120分) 题号 I.听力部分 II.基础知识部分 III.阅读理解 IV.基础知识综合运用 总分 一 二 三 一 二 一 二 三 四 得分 I. 听力部分(20分) 一、听句子,选出你听到的信息。(7分) ( )1. A. 4677923 B. 4677932 C. 4679923 ( )2. A. Hong Kong B. France C. Paris. ( )3. A. Tuesday B. Thursday C. Friday ( )4. A. I often had so much time. B. I will have much time. C. I have so much time. ( )5. A. by studying vocabulary B. by studying grammar C. by making flashcards ( )6. A. Mike is younger. B. Tom is younger. C. Mike is older. ( )7. A. on Saturday and Sunday B. on Saturday C. from Monday to Friday 二、听对话和问题。选择回答问题的最佳选项。(8分) ( )8. A. Weather B. Business C. Season ( )9. A. White B. Brown C. Black ( )10.A. Students should study with friends. B. Students should get their ears pierced. C. Students shouldn’t be allowed to work at nights. ( )11. A. Go to the cinema B. Do his homework C. See the doctor ( )12. A. Short brown hair B. Very tall C. Blue eyes ( )13. A. Winter B. Summer C. Spring ( )14. A. At home B. In the hotel C. In the office ( )15. A. Tea with sugar B. Tea with milk C. Tea with nothing. 三、听短文。选择正确答案完成句子。(5分) ( )16. My life ____ now. A. has improved B. gets better C. has changed a lot. ( )17. When I was a child, I ____ have lots of time to play. A. often B. am C. used to ( )18. I used to read a lot of ___ books. A. comic B. cartoon. C. English ( )19. I enjoy listening to ____ music now. A. pop B. classical C. country ( )20. I’m busy ____ my tests these days. A. making B. preparing C. doing II.基础知识部分(35分) 单项填空。(20分) ( )21.---What about ____ tapes?--- That’s a good idea. A. listening B. to listen to C. listening to D. to listen ( )22.---I don’t know how to improve my spoken English? --- Why ___ an English language club to practice speaking English. --- That’s a good idea. A. don’t join B. not joins C. don’t you join


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