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第四组: 表示“虽然”, 有几种方式? 1.虽然我很穷,但是我很快乐。 A. Although I am poor, I’m happy. B. Poor as I am, I’m happy. C. In spite of being poor, I’m happy. 2.虽然我喜欢这件大衣,但我不大喜欢它的式样。 A. Although I like the coat, I don’t like its style. B. While I like the coat, I don’t like its style. C. In spite that I like the coat, I don’t like its style. 高考《考纲词汇》中常用、易错单词 A abroad accident achieve actor actress address agricultural agriculture ancestor anger angry anxious apologize 中学英语52个重点动词用法例句体会 add agree break bring burn call carry change come care clear compare cover cut deal design die do end escape exploit fix follow get give go hand hold keep join look make mark mean meet operate pay pick promise put reach refer rum see to send set show stand strike turn take work out Give 1. He gave away most of his fortune to the poor. 2. They suspected that the secret had been given away by one of their friends. 3. I hope the holiday will give him back his good spirits. 4. He has given in to my views. 5. The gas gives off an unpleasant smell. 6. He gave/devoted his life to the study of art. 7. Please give my regards/greetings/love/wishes/thanks to Tom. 8. The teacher gave out the examination papers. 9. It was given out that the Prime Minister had died suddenly. 10. After two days our food gave out, and we had to return to camp. 11. The swimmer gave out after ten laps. 12. His strength gave out at last. 13. The cowboy gave out a yell. 14. The sun gives out light and heat. 15. Billy kept asking his mother if he could go to the movies and she finally gave way. 16. I have given up smoking. Strike 1. On Friday 16th October, 1987, a hurricane struck the southeast of England. 2. The boy struck the man with a stick. 3. A stone struck me on the head. 4. I struck a match and held it to his cigarette. 5. An idea suddenly struck


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