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The shaolin temple is our country 5 A grade Scenic spot A ticket can watch the three huang village scenic area, the shaolin temple, Shaolin Feng kung fu performance and so on. In recent years, Songshan has increased publicity constantly, the visibility is also improving. In 2008,the city has received 6.4615 million tourists,tickets income is 231 million yuan derectly. In 2009,it has received 6.7 million tourists and 240 million yuan from tickets income. 1. Nowadays with the rapid development of economy, the shaolin temples commercial degree also more and more deep. 现随着经济的快速发展,少林寺的商业化程度也越来越深如今伴。 自1986年开始,方丈释永信为少林寺创办了大量的商业化机构:少林寺慈善福利基金会、少林弟子联谊会,以及少林影视公司。 Since 1986, the abbot Yongxin Shi has established many commercial institutions for the shaolin temple : the shaolin temple charity welfare foundation, shaolin disciple association, and the shaolin film company. 2、The shaolin temples management issues in the process of commercial brand . 少林寺商业化进程中的品牌管理问题 @The Songshan shaolin temple has not yet been forming core brand competitiveness.(嵩山少林寺品牌核心竞争力尚未成型) @The shaolin temple has not become a commercial brand and no brand Image spokesperson.(嵩山少林寺尚未成为商业品牌且无品牌形象代言人) 3.Improper behavior and tourism market activities makes tourism resources and environmental quality decreased(不当的游客行为和旅游市场活动使旅游资源和环境质量下降) 4.The conflict between traditional ways of life inheritance and modern way of life.(传统生活方式的传承与现代生活方式的矛盾) The Shaolin temple abbot Yongxin Shi not only use modern communication tools-mobile phones, computers, but also has a secretary. 少林寺方丈释永信不仅使用现代通讯工具—手机、电脑,还配有秘书。 5.The tourism products of a single, lacking of features.(旅游产品单一,缺乏特色 ) 1.Coordinate the relationship between the sameness and survived.(协调出家和治世的关系) 2.Comprehensive development strategy, and set up the image.  (全面发展战略,树立形象) 3. Accurate positioning, widely apply buddhism.准确定位,广施佛法 4.Play every Scenic spot’s role.(发挥景区各个景点作用 ) Shaolin temple In re


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