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新标准英语(三起点)第八册 Module 8 Unit 1 Helen Keller教学设计 TEACHING AIMS 1、语言知识: a. Learn new words: born, child, later, drew, letter, model b. Learn sentences: Helen Keller became blind and deaf. She couldn’t see and she couldn’t hear. She could read and hear. She wrote a book about herself. 2、语言技能: a. 能听懂理解课文并回答相关问题。 b. 通过学习Helen Keller,进行知识的延伸。 c. 学会用could、couldn’t谈论或询问某人过去的能力。 3、情感态度: 采用多种形式的教学活动,激发学生学英语的兴趣,在学用She could… She couldn’t … 的句型过程中,引导他们积极参与了解Helen Keller 的学习活动,并通过这一过程,引导他们学会克服困难,做一个意志坚强的人。 4、学习策略: 通过“小组合作学习”方式,提高团体协作和运用语言的综合能力,最大限度地调动和发挥学生的内在潜力,进行语言知识的主动练习和运用。 5、文化意识目标: 增进对国内外模范人物的了解,培养孩子的跨文化意识。 IMPORTANT POINTS DIFFICULT POINTS 1、能听说读并正确使用单词:born , as , later , drew , herself , all over , model 2、能理解并掌握句型: Helen Keller became blind and deaf .She couldn’t see and she couldn’t hear. Later, she could read and write. She wrote a book about herself. 3. 学会用could、couldn’t谈论或询问某人过去的能力。 TEACHING AIDS CD-ROM, tape recorder, some pictures, some stickers for the students. TACHING METHODS 运用了真实运用任务教学法和多种活动相结合的方法。在新授课前提出了本节课的中心任务:Let’s learn the story of Helen Keller and then tell the story about her. 在学用She could… She couldn’t … 的句型过程中,引导他们积极参与了解Helen Keller 的学习活动,并通过这一过程,引导他们学会克服困难,做一个意志坚强的人,通过“小组合作学习”方式,提高团体协作和运用语言的综合能力。 Procedures (一)Warming up a. Sing songs. b. Say the chants: my sister said, my dream. 【设计意图】歌曲能活跃班级的气氛。 (二)Pre-task Preparation Task-setting:出示Helen Keller 的图片: Who is she ? Who can tell me her story? Let’s learn the story of Helen Keller and then Tell the story about her. 【设计意图】在学习任务开始前提出本课的任务,能让孩子更有针对性的学习。 (三) While-task Presentation 1. Show the pictures and learn the new words. Then make the sentences with the new words. a. born: She was born in America. b. child (单数)-- children(复数) c. a[ ? ]: at hat apple → as as a child: As a child she became blind and deaf. d. 对比later [ ei ] – letter [ e ] e. flew [ u: ] → drew: She drew letters. draw -- drew f. herself : She wrote a book about herself. g. all over = all aro


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