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Return to 20 yeas old is a comedy film that directed by Cheng Zhengdao【陈正道】,and Starred by Yang Zishan,GuiYalei【归亚蕾】,LuHan【鹿晗】,Cheng Bolin【陈柏霖】. The film tells the story of a 70 years old lady incredible[不可思议的] turned to rosebud[妙龄少女], back to life with a new identity, triggered [引发]a series of fantasy stories that make me on the spot[啼笑皆非]. The plot(剧情)of the film Bad tempered old grandma Shen Mengjun,in addition to former housekeeper Li Dahai , nobody likes her, even the daughter-in-law(媳妇)Yang Qin also in hospital.Because of staying together with her has too much pressure . Family put one‘s foot down(毅然决然) to decide to send Shen Mengjun to Nursing homes. 坏脾气的老奶奶沈梦君(归亚蕾饰),除了前管家李大海(王德顺饰)之外,没有人喜欢她,连媳妇杨琴(李宜娟饰)也因与她同住一个屋檐下压力过大而住院,家人们毅然决然地决定送沈梦君去住养老院。 Shen Mengjun was very sad, when she passing by a photo shop, she wanted to take a photo to leave the last figure.But unexpected that Shen Mengjun became a 20 years old young girl named Meng Lijun. The Strange encounters not only let she joined the band as Lead singer ,But also the music director Tan Ziming and the guitarist of the band Xiang Qianjing fell in love with her at the same time. She had thefeeling of love again. 沈梦君非常伤心,当她路过一个照相馆时,她想拍一张照片留下自己最后的身影。可没想到的是她竟然变成了20岁的少女孟丽君。这个奇怪的遭遇不仅让她成为了乐队的主唱,而且音乐总监谭子明和乐队主唱项前进同时喜欢上了她。这让她她再一次有了“恋爱的感觉”。 she begun to taste the benefits of “young again”. But because of an accident, she facing a major choice that she should stay in the 20 years of appearance continue to enjoy life, or return to the 70 years old grandmother in the face of(面对) the old life? 她开始尝到“再年轻一次”的甜头,却因一场意外而面临了重大抉择,她该留在20岁的外貌继续享受人生,还是回到70岁的老奶奶面对迟暮生活? Actor introduction 沈梦君(Shen Mengjun): Actor:归亚蕾(Gui Yalei) Xiang Qianjing’s grandmother The heroine(女主角) in 70 years old 孟丽君 (Meng Lijun) Actor:杨子珊(Yang Zishan) When she was young, the worship of the goddess(崇拜的女神) was Deng Lijun. After return to 20 years old, she hide the original name, and give herself the name of Meng Lijun in honor of Deng Lijun. 项前


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