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SURVEY OF COMMERCIAL ENGLISH FOR 商務英語課程概況 之 Chapter 1. Introduction to CE 第一章. 商務英語簡介 請各位同學思考以下幾個问题: Q: WHO THE COMMERCIAL ENGLISH COURSE IS PLANNED FOR Q: WHAT ARE THE KEY EXPRESSIONS OF COURSE Q: WHY THIS COURSE IS PLANNED 案例分析: “Give me your signature here,please?” 场景:有天你在公司里随随便便的走向正在埋头工作的上司前面,并慢条斯理的说:Give me your signature here, please.(请在这儿签名) 结果:虽然文法正确,也表达了你的意思,但你上司听了火冒三丈。 症结: 没有运用恰当的沟通尺度,礼貌有欠周到。 总结:礼貌 (politeness)的社交技巧 (social skills)的拿捏尺度,是使沟通能得以顺利进行的重要课题。 引申: 并在工作上运用客气的表达恰到好处是一件很重要的事。 分析 : 拜托别人的客气表达法 A: 直接了当的说法 1.?Clarify that point. 2.?Please clarify that point. 3.?Won’t you clarify that point? 4.?Can you clarify that point? B: 标准的客气说法 5.?Will you (please) clarify that point? 6.?Would you (please) clarify that point? 7.?Could you (please) clarify that point? 8.?Is it possible for you to clarify that point? C: 间接的非常客气的说法 9.? Would it be possible for you to clarify that point? 10 Do you think you could possible clarify that point? 11 I wonder (just wondered/ was wondering) if you could clarify that point? 12 I would appreciate it/ I would be grateful if you could clarify that point? 分析 : 請求別人許可的客气表达法 A: 直接了当的说法 1. Can I take a day off next week? B: 标准的客气说法 2.?Could I take a day off next week? 3.?May I take a day off next week? 4. Could I possibly take a day off next week? 5.?Is it possible for me to take a day off? C: 间接的非常客气的说法 6. Would it be possible for me to take a day off? 7. Do you think I could possible take a day off? 8. I wonder (just wondered/ was wondering) if I could take a day off next week? 9. Do you mind if I open the window? 10. Would you mind if I open the window? D: “ 讓我……, 好嗎 ” The correct expression: Let me help you with the report. The impolite expression: Let me ask you some questions. 一般而言, 上司給予部屬指示當然要比部屬請求上司的客气程度來得低. 但如上司有時有极為緊急,但又不屬於部屬職務範圍內的事情要拜託部屬幫忙時,這時上司的說話語气就改為客气的說法. 例子一: 緊急度低, 极為平常的指示工作方式: 上司: Will you please type this letter and mail it? (請你打完這封信后寄出去) 部


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