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初中英语名词讲义(国外英文资料) NOUN Categories and uses of nouns In A English, nouns can be divided into four categories Common noun: dog dog, man man, table table Proper names: France, France, Mrs, Smith, Mrs. Smith, Tom, Tom Abstract noun: beauty beautiful charity charity, courage courage, fear fear, joy happiness Collective noun: crowd crowd, group swarm, group group, team team The use of the noun B has: As the subject of the verb: Tom arrived., Tom is here. Be, become, seem and other predicative verb: Tom is an actor. Tom is an actor. As the object of the verb: I, saw, Tom., I see Tom. I spoke to Tom. Im talking to Tom. A noun or possessive form: Tom s books Toms book Two. The plural form of nouns Changes in the rules of the plural nouns of A ___________________________________________________ Case composition method pronunciation example word __________________________________________________ In general, read /s/ after adding -s 1. clear consonants; map-maps 2. voiced consonants and vowel back bag-bags Read /z/; car-cars ___________________________________________________ With s, SH, ch, X and so on end words plus -es read /iz/ bus-buses, brush-brushes Church-churches, kiss-kisses Box-boxes, watch-watches ___________________________________________________ With CE, Se, ze, (d) ge and so on The word plus -s reads /iz/ license-licenses ___________________________________________________ With the consonant +y, change y to I The last word, plus es, reads /z/, baby-babies, country-countries Fly-flies, lady-ladies ___________________________________________________ Changes in the rules of B and other plural nouns 1) the noun at the end of the Y or the noun ending in the vowel +y becomes plural when the plural is added directly to s: Such as: two, Marys, the, Henrys, boy-boys, day-days, donkey-donkeys, monkey-monkeys, holiday-holidays Comparison: Storey: Storey, ---storeys, story---stories 2) the noun that ends with O becomes plural: A. plus s, such as: photo-photos, piano-pianos,


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