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叠词及省略号教案(国外英文资料) I. explain the reduplicated words Show the students examples and read them: The waiter swept the door and windows clean. If you look carefully, do you recognize the word? I walked slowly, watching the distant and noisy March go forward with great strength and vigour. How about going shopping this weekend? Lead students to find common points in words in the examples: the use of words. Explain concretely: (1) reduplication of adjectives In general, the reduplication of adjectives can make a slight increase in the extent of the original meaning. 1. the form of reduplication of adjectives Adjectives in nature, especially monosyllabic adjectives, can overlap most, and partial adjectives can overlap, but overlap in different ways. There are roughly three forms of overlap:? AA style: good, slow, tall, big, loose, long, tight, etc. ? ?? AABB: clean, clear, happy, cheerful, beautiful and easy. ? ABAB style: straight, straight, red, black, black, gold, gold, yellow, green, white, snowy, etc. this part is a state adjective. 2. usage example Example 1: that red apple is really nice. It can be used as an attribute Example 2: we drank happily. [may be used as adverbial modifier. When the two syllables are added, the auxiliary word ground must be added at the back Example 3: this shirt is white and snowy. Some can be used as predicate, but the end of sentence must add auxiliary word Example 4: his face was red with cold. Some can be used as complements, but the latter should be added with the auxiliary word 3. please judge sentences, and thus leads to what adjectives do not overlap. A: beautiful than my sister. (adjective reduplication is used in comparative sentences. After Chinese adjectives overlap, they can not be used in Comparative Sentences B: she cleaned my room very well. ? After class, all the students walked out of the classroom happily. ? (adjective reduplication generally cant be degree adverbs, nor can we take the complement of degree.) C:? Her hair



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